SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear All, I am fetching Info-record history from A017 table using the follwing query LOOP AT IT_DETAILS1. SELECT KSCHL LIFNR MATNR EKORG WERKS ESOKZ DATAB DATBI KNUMH FROM A017 INTO TABLE TEMP_A017 WHERE KAPPL EQ 'M' AND KSCHL IN RKSCHL AND LIFN...
The problem is that It extract only one record,But how can i transfer the values of the internal table i_A017-KNUM into my custom field RECOA017? Sort the internal table (eg. date desceding) and read one (eg. the first record) or better check DATBI and DATAB in the SELECT statemen...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi all I am facing performance problem, While selecting field 'DATAB' ( Validity start date of the condition record ) from Pooled table 'A017',I am getting timed out error ( slong ).IS there any efficient way to retrieve data. Regards Sreenivasa Reddy...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Testing and Analysis Hi Martin Andersson, As A017 is pooled table U can't create secondary INDEX on it. So either provide full key combination in where clause or change the way u r selecting data through diff tables... try to find some other tables where u can...
The basic ordering code for each option is given in tables mutitled Varistors on Tape on Reel, Varistors on Tape in Ammopack and Varistors in Bulk. To complete the catalog number and to determine the required operating parameters, see Electrical Data and Ordering Information table. •...
The basic ordering code for each option is given in tables mutitled Varistors on Tape on Reel, Varistors on Tape in Ammopack and Varistors in Bulk. To complete the catalog number and to determine the required operating parameters, see Electrical Data and Ordering Information table. •...
In excel, SUM formula is used to calculate the total number. For instance here we had calculated the total number of computer items sold across different region in U.S.A by using formula =SUM (C2,C3,C4,C5) at the end you get the total $ 20, 500, as shown in next formula. In ...