Measurements with much higher statistics were recently per- formed by the Belle collaboration [13]. There are also exper- imental results on the η→π 0γ γ decay amplitude [14,15]. Recent experimental data exist also for γγ→ K 0 K¯ 0 [16] 1 A renewed interest in such ...
recommendedtotransmitrawmeasurementsat50Hztoavoiddataloss.↩ 1. 4BlockDiagram UB9A0 NebulasIV Antenna Detection UART1/2/3 InterfaceLAN MMCXLNASAWPPSInterface Filter ANT1_IN EVENT GNSSGNSS RFBB RESET_N IN-CLOCK TCXO RTCPMU EX-CLOCK MMCX ...
Power going into the 1.8K cryogenic system via static heat leak and RF dissipation is measured from the rate of rise of the pressure in the helium bath. This paper describes the techniques used to determine the cryostat heat load and the RF performance of the cavity.J. D. Fuerst...
[13] Talwalkar JA, Yin M, Venkatesh S, et al. Feasibility of in vivo MR elastographic splenic stiffness measurements in the assessment of portal hypertension.AJR Am J Roentgenol, 2009, 193:122-127. [14] Dyvorne HA,...
It is found that in composite plates, the directivity of scattered A0 mode depends on the defect diameter to wavelength ratio, and on the through thickness of the conical damage as well. The numerically predicted scattered wave fields are compared with experiment measurements showing good agreement....
In addition, contact type transducers are not suitable for measurements of moving structures, for example during a manufacturing process. Typical examples of such materials are paper, wood, and some plastic and aerospace components. In these cases, air-coupled excitation and the reception of Lamb ...
Velocity measurements in a supersonic wind tunnel with a novel calibration-free seedless velocimetry utilizing laser-induced shockwaves and a double-line p... A novel calibration-free seedless velocimetry technique utilizing a shockwave generated by a laser-induced plasma (LIP) is proposed and used ...
The aim of this study was to compare measurements of macular thickness, obtained from patients with diabetic macular edema, using two spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) devices. These were the Spectralis Heidelberg Retina Angiograph + Optical Coherence Tomography (HRA + OCT) (Heid...
For passing notch-type defects, the simulations predict the amplitude of the scattered wave to be approximately 10% of the incident wave and a reasonably good agreement between the measurements and the simulations is found. Some observations can be derived from this review of the literature for ...
Because actual performance data can be affected by measurement techniques and environmental variables, these curves are presented for reference and can differ from actual field measurements. 3.1.1 EVM Characteristics The following table lists the electrical characteristics. Table 3-1. Electrical Performance...