Handy-Signatur 是 A-Trust 在奥地利应用数字签名的数字签名服务。 A-Trust 的 Handy Signature 应用程序为数字签名的应用程序提供了双重身份验证。 Handy-Signatur & ID Austria 也支持某些 FIDO 令牌。 对于管理员 请查看配置云签名提供商,了解有关如何最好地设置云签名以在贵组织中使用的更多信息。 更快、更轻松...
A-Trust はオーストリアのウィーンに本社を置き、2016 年 7 月からの eIDAS 認定の適格トラストサービスプロバイダー(QTSP)です。 適格電子サインのサービスには、Handy-Signatur や ID Austria があります。 また、EU-Identity Mobile(xIDENTITY) も提供しています。これは、NFC やビデオ、ま...
Handy-Signatur 是在奧地利運用數位簽名的 A-Trust 數位簽名服務。 A-Trust 的 Handy-Signatur 應用程式為數位簽名的應用程式提供雙因素驗證。 Handy-Signatur 和 ID Austria 也支援特定的 FIDO 權仗。 管理員注意事項 請詳閱設定雲端簽名提供者,深入瞭解設定雲端簽名以供組織使用的最佳方法。 更快、更輕鬆地獲得協...
要建立一个员工持股计划,首先要建立起一个信托基金(a trust),由信托基金会拥有企业或股东以股票或现金提供给职工的资 …www.chinaacc.com|基于7个网页 2. 托辣斯理论 关於经济学中的托辣斯理论(a trust) [ 其他 ] 关於企业的联合组织...托拉斯,握股公司,卡特尔 [ 国家考试 ] 哪些考试有考行销学和企......
Documents and examples for A-Trust's Registrierkassensicherheitsverordnung (RKSV) solution C# 11 3 ASignSealQualified Public The a.sign premium seal qualified is qualified electonic seal in accordance with the eIDAS regulation. C# 4 2 Identschnittstelle Public Identity interface of A-Trus...
A trust company can be named as an executor or personal representative in a last will and testament. 信托公司也可以作为委托人临终遗愿的执行者或个人代表。 www.kouyitianxia.cn 2. Article 2 The governance of a trust company shall realize the principle of maximizing the interests of the beneficiar...
The existence of a trust relationship between the client and the provider determines which restrictions the service has concerning the use of this information by the service. In this paper we present a metamodel for services computing that incorporates the support for trust relationships. The meta...
The paper also presents a framework for the selection of trusted relays to cooperatively aggregate MTC data and render two-hop connectivity to the BS. Our proposed algorithm is compared with existing algorithms on the basis of energy efficiency, system capacity, communication delay and outage ...
A trust region method for conic models to solve unconstrained optimization problems is proposed. We analyze the trust region approach for conic models and present necessary and sufficient conditions for the solution of the associated trust region subproblems. A corresponding numerical algorithm is develope...
Social networks have sprung up and become a hot issue of current society. In spite of the fact that these networks provide users with a variety of attractive features, much to users’ dismay, however, they are likely to expose users private information..