We dodged behind a pillar out of sight of the tourists. 我们躲到柱子后面,避开了观光者的视线。 辞典例句 Tied on a pillar as that dog on the photograph. 照片上照着那只狗被拴在一根柱子上. 辞典例句 She has been a pillar of the church all her life. ...
“code-a-pillar”通常指一种以编程启蒙为核心的教育工具或教学方法,尤其特指针对儿童设计的互动式编程学习产品。其含义可从编程教育工具、核心学习理念、趣味教学方法三个维度展开,其中“费雪思考&学习code-a-pillar”是这一概念的具体实践案例。 从编程教育工具角度看,“code-a-...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TRHMzq0dF4机翻CC字幕PJ PUGAPILLAR SAD ORIGIN STORY... | Cartoon AnimationGameToons, 视频播放量 55861、弹幕量 94、点赞数 550、投硬币枚数 17、收藏人数 310、转发人数 11, 视频作者 夕凪翼, 作者简介 ,相关视频:如果你用打磨机杀
The meaning of A-PILLAR is either one of two support posts that are positioned on either side of the windshield of a vehicle and connect the roof to the body; also : a structural part of a vehicle that extends from the roof to the floorboard and that con
汽车专业词汇总结. - 虎子的日志 ... ... 双眼障碍 binocular obstruction A立柱A-pillar座椅基准点 seating reference point ... ailiudonghu.blog.163.com|基于7个网页 3. A立柱 求 汽车底盘 英语词汇_百度知道 ... 视觉 visionA立柱A-pillar有效瞳孔距 effective interpupillary width ... ...
《A柱_百度百科》A柱,外文名A-pillar,是左前方和右前方连接车顶和前舱的连接柱,在发动机舱和驾驶舱之间,左右后视镜的上方,会遮挡你一部分的转弯视界,尤其是左转弯,所以讨论得比较多些。O网页链接 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转...
美 英 na.国家的栋梁 英汉 na. 1. 国家的栋梁
Cod-a-PillarPrice: 24 yuanFor ages 3+Children can learn something about coding (编程) when they play with it.It's very funny.Balloon LampPrice: 126 yuanFor ages: 6+It's really cute, isn't it? It can give you light(光) when you need to write, draw or read at night. And the ...