Ahead of A-level results day 2023, head of sixth form Claire Green offers advice on how teachers can help students who are disappointed with their grades
补录信息通常从2023年7月5日开始公布。如果你认为有可能需要进入补录程序,请提前使用UCAS的补录查询工具,关注有名额的大学和专业。希望你能成功找到适合的选择!UCAS网站:https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/clearing-and-results-day/what-clearing [Uni] has offered you an unconditional place with substantial c...
It's important to remember that your application won't show your A-level results - you will be given these by your school/college on results day. The system is 'frozen' in the days leading up to A-level results day, meaning you won't be able to make any changes during this time. ...
假装在剑桥 英、美、澳、加读医-行医,值得拥有的单程票。 A-Level Results Day | 剑桥大学各个学院正在紧锣密鼓地准备新生的到来:Queens' CollegeGirton CollegeRobinson CollegeClare College 发布于 2023-08-18 07:33・IP 属地广东 2 人喜欢 分享收藏 举报 写下你的评论... 暂无评论登录知...
See our A Level Results Day blog for latest news. Exam results at Chetham's are consistently excellent. Many students take Music exams one year early,
As A level results day 2023 approaches, anticipation and excitement fill the air, blending with a hint of nerves and uncertainty. You must be sitting at the edge of your seat, anxiously waiting to get the A level results that you feel will determine everything that happens next in your lif...
Results day越来越近,出分倒计时,今年A-level和GCSE成绩目标恢复疫情前标准,让大家感到有一丝担忧。 最近三大国际考试局也纷纷发布了放榜日指南,说了哪些重点,我们一起来看看! CAIE考试局 ①放榜时间: 剑桥国际AS&A-level以及剑桥AICE成绩将于北京时间2023年8月10日下午13:00(06:00 UTC+1/GMT+1)公布; ...
More than 38,000 students went through Clearing in 2023, so it’s important that you get started on this process quickly so that you don’t miss out. Try to have an idea of backup universities and student accommodations in case things don’t go to plan on Results Day and you go throug...
补录信息通常从2023年7月5日开始公布。如果你认为有可能需要进入补录程序,请提前使用UCAS的补录查询工具,关注有名额的大学和专业。希望你能成功找到适合的选择! UCAS网站:https://www.ucas.com/undergraduate/clearing-and-results-day/what-clearing [Uni] has offered you an unconditional place with substantial cha...
"Everyone gets really frantic and panicky on results day that if they don't get their place sorted by lunchtime, they're not going to go to university - but there is time," Ms Garrod said. She said it's a "really big decision" for students to decide where they wa...