除了这种trick questions之外,还有选择题喜欢考的绕来绕去的推理题,攻克这种题型还是要多刷题。 有机化学(organic chemistry)organic可以说是很多同学的恶梦了,其实也有很多学弟学妹问过我有机怎么学习才能“有机会”。如果要想学好有机一定要懂得A-level有机化学的逻辑...
🌟www.ptable.com/ Exciting Chemistry Experiments 🌟http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/resource/res00002231/teachers-tv-chemistry-exciting-elements 像卤素与铁反应,碱金属与水反应等实验视频都能在这个网站上面找到。 Royal Socie...
Revision for CAIE AS and A-level Chemistry (9701) papers, including summary notes, flashcards, videos, worksheets and past exam questions by topic.
choice questions to solve MCQs. "A Level Chemistry Quiz Questions" with answers for college students to practice IGCSE GCE chemistry MCQs with self-assessment test worksheets. "A Level Chemistry Quizzes" app for iOS helps to practice test questions for online homeschooling exam on Apple smart ...
Revision for Edexcel Chemistry (A) AS and A Level Papers, including summary notes, worksheets and past exam questions for each topic.
“The course was very helpful in getting my concepts clear. Mr Chua is a *hyperactive* teacher who is clear and entertaining. He can teach and explain well. He puts in a lot of effort to clarify and check for answers to questions or doubts raised.“ Evel
Section A (70 marks) will consist of questions based on the A2 core syllabus but may include material first encountered in the AS syllabus. Section B (30 marks) will consist of questions based on the section “Applications of Chemistry” but may include material first encountered in the core...
A level 化学 2020年夏季 真题试卷1(含答案)版本1 A level Economics 2020 Summer Past Exam Paper 1 (with answer) v1.pdf,PMT Cambridge International AS A Level CHEMISTRY 9701/11 Paper 1 Multiple Choice May/June 2020 1 hour You must answer on the multiple ch
A level 化学 2020年冬季 真题试卷1(含答案)版本3 A level Economics 2020 Winter Past Exam Paper 1 (with answer) v3.pdf,PMT Cambridge International AS A Level CHEMISTRY 9701/13 Paper 1 Multiple Choice October/November 2020 1 hour You must answer on the mul
let students die in the strange question. The question types that appear in the exam can be found in the textbooks. As long as you have mastered the basic concepts, principles, theorems, laws, and basic types of questions in the textbook, in the examination are sure to obtain good results...