ALooper::handler_idALooper::registerHandler(constsp<AHandler> &handler){ returngLooperRoster.registerHandler(this, handler); } 直接调用ALooperRoster的registerHandler,生成一个handler ID并保存起来 ALooperRoster.cpp ALooper::handler_idALooperRoster::registerHandler( constsp<ALooper> &looper,constsp<AH...
// code frome "./frameworks/av/include/media/stagefright/AHandler.h"structAHandler:publicRefBase {AHandler();ALooper::handler_idid()const;sp<ALooper>looper()const;wp<ALooper>getLooper()const;wp<AHandler>getHandler()const;protected:virtualvoidonMessageReceived(constsp<AMessage> &msg)=0;privat...
在分析meidacodec framework层代码有看到ALooper、AHandler、AMessage这几个类,这主要分析下其内部原理 代码路径:frameworks/av/media/libstagefright/foundation/ ALooper 首先看下ALooper使用示例 mLooper = new ALooper; mLooper->setName("MediaCodec_looper"); mLooper->start( false, // runOnCallingThread t...
Please go through the correct answers marked in the similar discussion and see if that works for you. ~Amal RegardsAmal Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Related...
Please go through the correct answers marked in the similar discussion and see if that works for you. ~Amal RegardsAmal Votes Upvote Translate Translate Report Report Reply Resources...
Your handler has to complete and return either a cancel or a continue status to SharePoint in 30 seconds. If it does not, SharePoint calls the handler again up to three more times. If your handler returns a cancel status, SharePoint will retry up to three more times. ...
Using @ModelAttribute with a method parameter @ModelAttribute annotation on a handler method parameter indicates the parameter's value should be retrieved from the Model map. There are two main steps to accomplish that. First step (as we saw in the last tutorial) is to annotate a method...
:annotation-driven/> <mvc:annotation-driven/>相当于了DefaultAnnotationHandlerMapping和AnnotationMethodHandlerAdapter两个bean,配置一些messageconverter。即解决了@Controller注解的使用前提配置。配置方式为:<mvc 智能推荐 Your password has expired.To log in you must change it using a client that supports expired...
If you would like to improve the loki-logger-handler recipe or build a new package version, please fork this repository and submit a PR. Upon submission, your changes will be run on the appropriate platforms to give the reviewer an opportunity to confirm that the changes result in a successf...
(一)正常使用这三剑客时,会先去创建一个ALooper以及AHandler,接着把AHandler注册到ALooper当中。 1、ALooper构造函数 ALooperRoster gLooperRoster; ALooper::ALooper() : mRunningLocally(false) {gLooperRoster.unregisterStaleHandlers(); } 从这里可以看到ALooper中维护了一个全局变量gLooperRoster ...