x 请教大神们,开盘机teac A-6300 mkII 开机运行10分钟左右异响,类似皮带或者轴承摩擦的尖锐刺耳的声音...
5D MKIII (raw) has a 21mp sensor that does a very clean HD binning-downsample, reserving resoution similar to A7s HD (pretty sharp HD), The advantage with the 5D is that it's a 14bit uncompressed raw colour data vs heavily compressd 8bit 4:2:0 with hugely better colour appeal and...
Sony A7R mkii – NO TOUCH SCREEN. No thanks. For people who claim to prefer buttons please remember cameras with touch screens aren’t lacking buttons. They just offer additional interface for those who prefer touch screens. If the Sony cameras had touch screens I think I would sell every...
Post navigation Previous PostCanon 1DX MkII Gets fps Back into the Game!Next PostCentriphone Video Turns iPhone into 360 Slowmo!4 thoughts on “Sony a6300 delivers 4k Plus 120fps FHD Slowmo!” Ken February 5, 2016 at 2:06 AM Is the 120fps FHD mode really just a 1.1x crop? If ...
DOWNLOAD IT HERE [UPDATE:] As cinema5D reader Corey Robson pointed out, there is an alternative method on the Atomos Shogun, that gets you half way to the goal: The Shogun offers a “5D MkIII” Color Corrector option in the “Source” window. While I do not know the science of it,...
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