DNA topoisomerases, found in all prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, play a key role in controlling the topological state of DNA. Quinolone antibacterial agents have been shown to be inhibitors of DNA gyrase, a bacterial topoisomerase II enzyme. The eukaryotic topoisomerase II is the target of ...
Propriétés Physico-Chimiques de Composés A Caractère Aromatique II. Application de la Méthode des Orbitales Moléculaires Aux Spectres électroniques et a la Réduction Polarographique D'Esters Dérivés D'Acides Aromatiques Polycycliques Alternants et non Alternants† G. Klopman, J. Nasielsk...
The newly identified APOA5 is a crucial determinant of triglyceride levels and therefore the study of the factors regulating its gene expression is of significant importance. The first part of our studies aims at determining the rôle of APOA5 in infla...
This article describes the change in the basic properties of standard concrete subjected to 12 h freeze–thaw cycles. Basic properties considered are resistance to compression and other parameters describing concrete behavior in axial compression with axial and transverse expansion. Although 300 freeze...
This model enables the interpretation of the carbonyl absorptions of the α-substituted (methoxy and ethoxy) ethyl acetates.Georges GuihéneufChristian BénardAbdeljalil LachkarMaryvonne Luçoncanadian journal of chemistry
Reaux A., de Mota N., Zini S., Cadel S., Fournie-Zaluski M. C., Roques B. P., Corvol P. and Llorens-Cortes C. (1999b) PC18, a specific aminopeptidase N inhibitor, induces vasopressin release by increasing the half-life of brain angiotensin III. Neuroendocrinol- ogy 69, 370-...
The pink river dolphin, or bufeo, is one of the dolphins which lives in the rivers of the Orinoco and Amazon basins in South America. The Bolivian bufeo population is considered a differentiated species (Inia boliviensis) from the Amazon and Orinoco species (Inia geoffrensis). Until now, ...
Kristeva, J. : « Les epistemologies de la linguistique », in Langages, n° 24, L'Episte- mologie de la Linguistique, J. Kristeva, ed., decembre 1971.KRISTEVA, J. et al. - "Epistemologie de la linguist...
Volume 60, Issue 7, pages 2122–2134, 2 November 1977Additional Information How to Cite Buzas, A., Cossais, F., Finet, J.-P., Jacquet, J.-P., Lavielle, G., Cavier, R. and Platzer, N. (1977), Synthèse et propriétés amœbicides d'analogues de l'émétine. Analyse des comp...
xi + 82 pp. (Reviewed by Josef Brožek)No is available for this article.doi:10.1002/1520-6696(199110)27:4<399::AID-JHBS2300270417>3.0.CO;2-BWiley Subscription Services, Inc., A Wiley CompanyJournal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences...