cunning laws, and where there was only one family, namely the republic, a law had been passed requiring husbands to change wives every year, the birth-rate would have been incalculably large. 牛津
A Year of Poetry(机器翻译:一年的诗歌)作者:Award Publications Ltd 出版社:Award Publications ISBN(13位):9780861638703 语种:英语 开本:16 页数:28 市场价:¥ 69.9装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 25.00 ¥ 22.00 0 有货通知 ...
Alberto Burri: Material Poetry / 阿尔贝托·布里:材料之诗 ¥268 钤印版 | 风乎舞雩:元大都踏查记 人气款 ¥108 '85新潮档案I ¥82.8 后人类影像——探索一种后德勒兹的电影哲学 ¥82.6 Empresses、Art、and Agency in Song Dynasty China / 上善若水:宋朝的后妃与女性艺术推手 ¥495 Muse...
He was wandering in a ricefield of dreams. The plants were tall as sorghum, taller than a man. Their panicles hung full as brooms, and each grain was as big as a peanut. After walking a while he lay down in the leaf-shade with a friend, quite hidden. A rest was a good idea, ...
the poetry of the chi the point is the pointed pear pict the points back the polar area the polarised us publ the police crackdown the police let you the police said the police will conti the policeman demande the policies of refor the pollution the poly-subunit rece the polymer the ponies...
At 6:30, the moon slowly rises from the horizon and gradually rises to the starry sky, like a jade plate embedded in the blue sky. I cant help but be reminded of ancient and modern poetry: Li Bai "didnt know the moon when he was young, called it a white jade plate", Su Shi "...
and all that i can se and all the host of h and all the kings of and all the people an and all the poetry in and all the things i and all the those wor and all the time that and all their mysteri and all things obey m and also more confide and alsoi ran out on and althou...
Online poetry contests that you can enter for free. Write a poem for a 2024 poetry contest and get feedback for your poetry.
“And so ended his affection," said Elizabeth impatiently."There has been many a one, I fancy, overcome in the same way. I wonder who first discovered the efficacy of poetry in driving away love!" “I have been used to consider poetry as the food of love," said Darcy. ...
Seong, Beomjoong