AWornPath byEudoraWelty ItwasDecember—abrightfrozendayintheearlymorning.Faroutinthecountrytherewas anoldNegrowomanwithherheadtiedinaredrag,comingalongapaththroughthepinewoods. HernamewasPhoenixJackson.Shewasveryoldandsmallandshewalkedslowlyinthedark ...
“AWornPath” TheStory AfterseeinganelderlyAfricanAmericanwomanstridingacrossthelandscapewitha strongsenseofpurpose,EudoraWeltywroteastoryexploringthepossiblemotivefor thisintensejourney.“AWornPath”isthatstory.StudentsoftenaskedWeltyaboutthe story,andtheirquestionwasalwaysthesame:“IsPhoenixJackson’sgrandsonreally...
a worn path”:一条破旧的小路 下载积分: 2000 内容提示: “A Worn Path” The Story After seeing an elderly African American woman striding across the landscape with a strong sense of purpose, Eudora Welty wrote a story exploring the possible motive for this intense journey. “A Worn Path” ...
1、2021/3/111 “A Worn Path” Welty, Eudora 熟路熟路-尤多拉韦尔蒂尤多拉韦尔蒂 2021/3/112 坎坷之路坎坷之路 2021/3/113 Setting The action takes place in December, circa 1940, in southwestern Mississippi. The scene begins in the the wilderness and then shifts to the city of Natchez. 2021/...
内容提示: A Worn Path BY Eudora Welty It was December —a bright frozen day in the early morning. Far out in the country there was an old Negro woman with her head tied red rag, coming along a path through the pinewoods. Her name was Phoenix Jackson. She was very old and small ...
A Worn Path《熟路》“AWornPath”Welty,Eudora《熟路》-尤多拉韦尔蒂 坎坷之路 Setting •TheactiontakesplaceinDecember,circa1940,insouthwesternMississippi.ThescenebeginsinthethewildernessandthenshiftstothecityofNatchez.Characters •PhoenixJackson:Veryoldblackwomanwithpooreyesightwhowalksalongdistancethrough...
AWornPath《熟路》介绍资料.ppt,“A Worn Path” Welty, Eudora 《熟路》-尤多拉韦尔蒂 Setting The action takes place in December, circa 1940, in southwestern Mississippi. The scene begins in the the wilderness and then shifts to the city of Natchez. Characte
English 10 Mr. Gunnar A Worn Path by Eudora Welty It was December—a bright frozen day in the early morning. Far out in the country there was an old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag, coming along a path through the pinewoods. Her name was Phoenix Jackson. She was very...
a-worn-pathA Worn Path by Eudora Welty It was December—a bright frozen day in the early morning。 Far out in the country there was an old Negro woman with her head tied in a red rag, coming along a path through the pinewoods. Her name was Phoenix Jackson. She was very old and ...
A Worn Path_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。经典散文 熟路A WORN PATH [美]尤多拉· 韦尔蒂(Eudora Welty) 著 黄梅 译 这是十二月里一个晴朗而又寒冽的清晨。 在僻远的乡下, 有一位头上包着红布的黑人老 太太,正在横穿松林的小路上走着。她的名字叫菲尼克斯· 杰克逊。她身材矮小,老态龙钟, 象祖父时代的...