今天的绘本名字叫做《Diary of A Worm》蚯蚓的日记。这是一只小蚯蚓的日记,记录了它的成长历程。绘本运用第一人称的语言,铜鼓蚯蚓的自述,让孩子了解蚯蚓的生活习性,也是一个寓教于乐的科普机会。 My report card. 我的成绩单 Spider made this for me!...
3月30日 Worms cannot walk upside down. 蚯蚓没办法倒立走路。 April 4 4月4日 Fishing season started today. 钓鱼季从今天开始。 We all dug deeper. 我们要钻到更深的地方。 “Did you guys hear something?” “你们有没有听到什么声音?” April 10 ...
Daddy when he’s eating the newspaper.March 29Today , I tried to teach spider how to dig.First , all of his legs got stuck.I think I twisted one of my ankles.Then he swallowed a bunch of dirt.I give up.Tomorrow he’s going to teach me how to walk upside down.March 30Worms ...
Worms cannot walk upside down.3月30日蚯蚓是没法倒立着走路的。 April 4Fishing season started today. We all dug deeper.(Bait...Did you guys hear something?)4月4日今天,钓鱼的季节开始了。大家都不得不钻到地下更深的地方以确保安全。(鱼铒……喂,你们有没有听到什么声音?) April 10It rained all...
“我想我有个脚踝扭伤了。”Then he swallowed a bunch of dirt.后来他又吞了一堆土,“I give up!”“我放弃了!”Tomorrow he’s going to teach me how to walk upside down.明天,他要教我怎样倒立走路。 March 30(3月30日)Worms cannot walk upside down.蚯蚓没办法倒立走路。 更多全部...
March 30 Worms cannot walk upside down. April 4 Fishing season started today. We all dug deeper. “Did you guys hear something?” April 10 It rained all night and the ground was soaked. We spent the entire day on the sidewalk. Hopscotch is a very dangerous game. April 15 I forgot my...
●Wormscannotwalkupsidedown.●蚯蚓没办法倒立走路。●April4●4月4日 ●Fishingseasonstartedtoday.Wealldugdeeper.●钓鱼季从今天开始。我们要钻到更深的地方。●“Didyouguyshearsomething?”●“你们有没有听到什么声音?”●April10●4月10日 ●Itrainedallnightandthegroundwassoaked.Wespenttheentiredayonthe...
A. there are many kinds of worms in upper mantleB. digging lower mantle is harder than digging crustC. studying outer core can cause earthquakes to happenD. the planet's magnetic field lies at 5,370 kilometres5.This passage is ___.A. a piece of newsB. an adC. a diaryD. a letter...
Wormscannotwalkupsidedown. Here’sababypicturesofmeanddad. April4 Fishingseasonstartedtoday. Didyouguyshearsomething? Wealldugdeeper. April10 Itrainedallnight,andthegroundwassoaked. Wespenttheentiredayonethesidewalk. Hopscotchisaverydangerousgame.
You can stick feathers in your bird diary. Remember never to steal (偷) eggs from them.. What is the bird's beak like? Birds with short beaks, like finches (雀类), eat seeds.Some birds, like hoopoes (戴胜鸟), have long sharp beaks to catch worms. Hawks and eagles have strong ...