Last-minute 形容词,最后一分钟的。Last-minute preparations are underway in Rio de Janeiro for what will be the first Olympic games ever held in South America. 里约热内卢为首次在南美洲举行的夏季奥运会做最后准备。The IOC has appointed a three-person panel to make a last-minute ruling on which...
What's the good word? 等同于How are you,是一种更加地道的美式口语!举个栗子🌰:Haven't seen you for a long time. What's the good word?好久不见, 你近来好吗?From the word goFrom the word go不是“从这个单词走”,如果你这么理解,那真的会闹笑话的!“From the word go”是指“始终...
Haven't seen you for a long time. What's the good word? 好久不见,你近来好吗? From the word go From the word go不是“从这个单词走”,如果你这么理解,那真的会闹笑话的! “From the word go”是指“始终,从一开始;完全,彻底”的意思! 举个例子: Again, your readers will have to buy my...
Haven't seen you for a long time. What's the good word? 好久不见, 你近来好吗? From the word go From the word go不是“从这个单词走”,如果你这么理解,那真的会闹笑话的! “From the word go”是指“始终,从一开始;完...
BIOS与注册表完全自学手册2.1 Aword BIOS的设置第2章设置BIOS本章导读:在BIOS里可以对计算机的各种功能和硬件进行配置,包括时间、键盘重复率、视频BIOS映射等
32.The word “obsolete” in the last paragraph probably means “___”. A.out of shape B.out of order C.out of control D.out of date 33.Which of the following would be the best title for the passage? A.Why Handwriting Makes You Smarter B.Why Typing Has Become So Widespread ...
15. Sometimes a written message succeeds ___ an oral one fails; at other times, talking to the recipient will produce results that the printed word can't match. A. what B. how C. where D. that 选C。考点:地点状语从句。 能明确succeed...
A word中“Word”是“词、字”没错,但是连起来“A word”就不是“一个单词”。 “A word”是“私下里沟通,悄悄话,也可指商谈,谈话”的意思。 举个栗子🌰: Can I have a word with you? 可以借一步说话吗? I don't think she's interested but I'll have a word with her. 我想她不会感兴趣...
Remaining authorization time (Unit: minute) 剩余授权时间(单位:分钟)。 Remaining grace time (Unit: minute) 剩余宽限期(单位:分钟)。 Grace time (Unit: minute) 宽限期(单位:分钟)。 Grace timer ID 宽限定时器索引。 Trap time (Unit: minute) trap周期(单位:分钟)。 Enable flag 使能标记。 Data ...
Every minute counts. 每分每秒都重要。 D (熟义:日期;枣子) v. 追溯 ;约会 The ancient temple has a long history and can date back to the year 1890AD. 这座古庙历史悠久,可以追溯到公元1890年。 They have been...