Fritz had married a woman named Devorah so that fit the puzzle. But then why did it say Gideon’s father was named Moses? Then I remembered seeing on the IGRA website that in 1942 Fritz Blumenfeld, residing in En Harod, had been identified as “Moshe (Fritz) Blumenfeld, son of Max.”...
“Teacher,” the Sadducees said, “Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and have children for him.” This was done so the dead brother’s name would be carried on. But also it was so the widow would have children to support her....
The topic of substitution brings to my mind a letter I came across in an old edition of an Australian magazine. It was written by a woman about her great-grandmother who was a colonist passenger in a ship sailing from England bound for Australia more than 165 years ago. In 1851, there ...
a woman named Temperance from a nearby village is thrown into the lake by an angry mob led by their fanatical new preacher. Against her better judgment, Jenny chooses to save her, sheltering Temperance and letting her recover in her lair. Soon, the two of them find themselves ...
从此摩西便与王子兰姆西斯一起生活在王宫,这里没有人知道摩西是希伯来人都以为他是皇后的亲生儿子 The Egyptian prince stage photo (8) and name for this child is called Moses.From this time on Moses then Si together lives with prince Lamb west in the royal palace, here nobody knew Moses is ...
Flight of woman (= church) 16–20 13 Kingdom of beasts on earth 15 13:1–10 Sea beast: war on saints 21–22 13:11–18 Land beast: deception 23–26 14:1–5 144000 – first fruits 14:6–11 Eternal gospel; consequence of refusal 14:12–20 Coming of the ...
…this ad from Nash looks like a scene from Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, if she had a car to match, that is… …the Cadillac V-16 was a truly massive automobile, but in contrast to the Nash ad, you can barely see the car as it approaches from the vanishing distance… …E. Simm...
While it is near impossible to coax out a distinct image for a specific woman from the Bible, there is at least one staple that was common to them all—the ever-present olive. In fact, as we shall see, its importance endures to this very day. ...
Every day people shed many tears: the child who is hurt; the teenager in crisis; the young woman distressed; the frustrated adult; the husband who loses his job; the mistreated wife; children with absent parents; the elderly abandoned and alone… Every day there are those who feel like ...
And yet, that’s what you would have to imagine with the model of Moses writing the first five books of the Old Testament! So—how did this really work? The Israelites wouldn’t have been going through the deserts with bags and bags of clay tablets—instead they would have taken stories...