Although the relation between expansive remodeling and plaque vulnerability is associative rather than causal, expansively remodeled plaques should be considered as a wolf in sheep’s clothes. Further understanding of the processes that regulate arterial remodeling and plaque rupture may lead to new...
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a man that cooks a man with a briefcas a man with a very lim a mans embrace to tak a manandrsquo a manifestly unjust v a mans suit a map of dhina a mares nest a mark andy scout a mass rally in suppo a may night a me tiaki e koutou t a medal for benny a median-long integ...
Nature is the international weekly journal of science: a magazine style journal that publishes full-length research papers in all disciplines of science, as well as News and Views, reviews, news, features, commentaries, web focuses and more, covering all branches of science and how science ...
A Factor (|[lsquo]|RLP|[rsquo]|) from Sheep Spleen which Inhibits Radiation Leuk|[aelig]|mogenesis in Micedoi:10.1038/202973a0I. BERENBLUMG. CIVIDALLIM. E. HODESN. TRAININ
After testing in vitro the immunoneutralizing properties of the nanomedicines, the latter were intranasally administered in AD mice. The antibody–nanocarrier complexes were detectable in the brain in substantial amounts at concentrations significantly higher compared to the free form of the anti-TRAIL ...
The novel cheese object of study, “Quadrello di ovino” (QdO) cheese, owes its name to the little square shape given to this sheep milk cheese. QdO production (Figure 1) was performed by modification of the classical flowsheet of “Crescenza” cheese making. The two distinct productions...
“It is hard when you haven’t worked in this field, to separate the sheep from the goats sometimes. If a young person tells you, ‘Yep, I have suicidal thoughts and I have them every day,’ for that GP it’s like, ‘Wow’. But then when you investigate further, actually they’ve...
in their formation. The open-air archaeology of the Doring River Valley is an example of this, despite nearly a decade of dedicated study and publication. Consequently, there remains a limited and untested understanding of the valley’s formation history. This paper rectifies this by providing ...