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卡斯特梅的雷耶斯家族(House Reyne of Castamere)是西境一支已灭亡的贵族。它曾是西境除兰尼斯特家族外最强大并且最富有的家族。 雷耶斯家族的居城是卡斯特梅。家族的族徽是银色底色上一只回头凝视的红色狮子,有着分叉的尾巴和金色的舌头与爪子。[1] 其箴言并没有在书中出现。 历史 背景 雷耶斯家族是西境一支重...
Welcome to A Dance of Fire and Ice Wiki! We're a collaborative community website about A Dance of Fire and Ice that anyone, including you, can build and expand. Articles Worlds Game Mechanics Featured Levels Categories Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. ...
House Strongwas the fourth House to inhabit Harrenhal, and the first one to hold it for more than 2 generations. House Strong supported Aegon II during theDance of Dragons, until Lord Lyonel Strong, who served as master of laws, and his son and heir Harwin, died in a mysterious fire, a...
Go to these sites for info or for help with your own wiki! A Court of Thorns and Roses•A Song of Ice and Fire•All Souls Trilogy•Beyonders•The Black Company•The Brotherband Chronicles - Ranger's Apprentice - Royal Ranger•The Dark Tower•Deltora Quest•Discworld•The Drag...
艾德瑞克·戴恩(Edric Dayne)伯爵,人称“奈德”,是戴恩家族家主,星坠城领主。书中未出现他父亲的名字,只知道他的父亲是亚瑟·戴恩、亚夏拉·戴恩和阿莉里亚·戴恩的的长兄。 外貌 在《冰雨的风暴》中他十二岁,有着一头白金色头发和深蓝近乎于紫的大眼睛。[2]他很害羞,待人和善。[3] ...
法丽丝·史铎克渥斯(Falyse Stokeworth)是坦妲·史铎克渥斯伯爵夫人的继承人。她嫁给了巴尔曼·拜奇爵士十多年了,但二人并没有子嗣。[4] 外貌和性格 她很毒舌。[5]瑟曦·兰尼斯特人物法丽丝不仅长得像鱼,喝起水来也像鱼。[6]有传言说她的丈夫不想和她上床,而是和其他少女上床。[4] ...
Hinoka is a major playable character from Fire Emblem Fates on the Birthright and Revelation routes. The second-eldest child of the Hoshidan royal siblings, Hinoka is one of the princesses of the country, commanding the loyalty of Azama and Setsuna as her personal retainers. She can be the...
Worlds are the individual levels in A Dance of Fire and Ice. Each one comprises of one or more levels to serve as tutorials for content and one boss level to conclude the world. Worlds are organised into several categories: Main Worlds: 12 worlds Xtra Wo
(1885-1973), a German-born protégé of the composer and conductorGustav Mahler.Klemperer was already an established conductor in opera houses around Germany when the rise of the Nazis prompted the maestro to emigrate with his family in 1933. He was soon appointed chief conductor of the Los ...