Differential second-moment (Reynolds-stress) turbulence closure models (DSM) have long been expected to replace the currently popular two-equation k — e and similar eddy viscosity models (EVM) as the industrial standard for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Yet, despite almost three decades of...
In order to investigate the smaller scales at which the bubble-induced turbulence is expected, a filtering process is proposed. As a result, the filtered turbulence levels of all operation points fall on a linear trend line when plotted over the local void fraction, which is the same result ...
an initial characterization of the dark-energy equation-of-state over time, and the first precision tests of General Relativity on cosmic scales. We also expect that understanding dark energy and searches for
Atmospheric scattering and turbulence modulation transfer function for CCD cameras on CBERS-02b and HJ-1A/1B. Int. J. Remote Sens. 2012, 33, 1413–1427. [CrossRef] 9. Demircan, A.; Geiger, B.; Radke, M.; Von Schönermark, M. Bi-directional reflectance measurements with the CCD line...