I had fun with Grandpa. 我和爷爷在一起玩得真开心。
A Week with Grandpa Hi, I'm Jack. I visited Grandp a last week.On Sunday, Grandp a and I went fishing.On Monday, we went to the ball game.I caught a fish.I caught a ball.On Tuesday, we went to the museum.On Wednesday, we went to the zoo.I saw a dinosaur.We saw three ...
RAZ英语绘本阅读 E-2-A Week with Grandpa, 视频播放量 184、弹幕量 0、点赞数 7、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 宝妈英语启蒙, 作者简介 Sara_20220617,相关视频:RAZ英语绘本阅读 E-4-All kinds of farms,牛津树1-9童老师按顺序排列 英语 少儿英语 学
十二、新趋势绘本阅读阅读绘本 A week with Grandpa,给图片写上对应序号。 (8分)()()()()()()()()1. On Sunday Grandp a and I go fishing. I catch a fish.2. On Monday we go to the ball game. I catch a ball.3. On Tuesday we go to the museum. I see a dinosaur.4. On ...
绘本故事A Week with Grandpa 41303:40 绘本故事A Sweet Tale新 21903:28 英语国家和国家人词汇 8001:18 绘本故事A Sweet Tale 13404:42 绘本故事What's in that Pouch 21403:54 绘本故事Tadpole Teasing 30503:45 绘本故事On 17701:36 绘本故事Our Good Night Story 11503:14 绘本故事Carlos and his Teacher...
小学生英语作文grandpa英语week儿歌英文儿歌grandpagrandpa少儿英语三年级英语Grandpagrandpa英文儿歌grandpa幼儿英语week儿歌英语幼儿英语grandpa幼儿学英语grandpa 71 a week with grandpa 西瓜读书时光6.01万 44 fishing with grandpa 西瓜读书时光4.39万 F-44Fishing with Grandpa FunFunZoe42 I spent a week in bed with...
阅读短文,按照故事的发展顺序,用数字1 —7给图片排序。 A Week with Grandpa On Sunday Grandp a and I went fishing. I caught a fish. On Monday we went to the ball game. I caught a ball. On Tuesday we went to the museum. We saw a dinosaur.On Wednesday we went to the zoo. We saw...
四年级绘本故事02--a week with grandpa 童腾英语 童腾英语 微信号 tengenglish 功能介绍 专业小学英语教学30年,专注小学英语教与学 2023-02-05 07:00发表于天津 收录于合集 #高年级绘本故事 158个 学习建议: 不仅仅是要孩子看,还要大声朗读,跟读 随时按下...
A Week with Grandpa Written by Cheryl Ryan On Sunday Grandpa and I went fishing. I caught a fish.On Monday we went to the ball game. I caught a ball.On Tuesday we went to the museum. I saw a dinosaur.On Wednesday we went to the zoo. We saw three hippos.On Thursday we went to ...
A Week with Grandpa is the story of a little boy who spends seven fun-filled days with his grandfather. The days of the week are presented in sequential order, with the boy and his grandfather engaging in a different activity each day....