句型通常为“事件/时间点 + be动词 + a week away”,表示该事件将在7天后发生。 例句:The exam is a week away.(考试仅剩一周时间了。) 例句:The deadline is just a week away.(截止日期只剩下一周了。) 时态变化 可灵活用于不同时态: 现在时:The concert is a week away...
Spotlight on English Big Book-A Week Away(一个星期) Key Vocabulary(关键词汇): fire truck(消防车)、motorcycle(摩托车)、slide(滑动)、swings(摆动)、fire station(消防局)、hospital(医院)、hotel(酒店)library(图书馆)、park(公园)、police station(警察局)、restaurant(餐厅)、school(学校)、town hall(市...
欢迎收听由主播Iris_Li为您带来的“A Week Away慢慢速”精彩有声内容,该音频时长3分34秒,已被收听1077次,用户盛桥名品汇评价说“我家huiio🛸”。为您推荐更多相关的音频“A Trip to Mexico慢慢速”、“Unit 6 Science”,下载喜马拉雅APP,收听更多精彩!
This young man probably saved the whole universe in his last life to be able to find the true love within a week in this one. Come and experience of the power of love! 推荐 英语英语万人公开课 48.6万次学习 ¥365 英语如何快速学会任何外语?全英文视频中英文稿 35750次学习 ¥398 英语语音...
所属专辑:美式课堂磨耳朵 声音简介 探索学习社区多元的场所,了解社区中的各种职业,学习运用过去式~ 猜你喜欢 3271 美国小学英语3A by:润雨教育 6430 美国小学英语4A by:润雨教育 3257 美国小学英语2A by:润雨教育 1867 美国小学英语1A by:润雨教育 1575 ...
The meaning of GET is to gain possession of. How to use get in a sentence. How do you pronounce get?: Usage Guide
The meaning of WALK is to move along on foot : advance by steps. How to use walk in a sentence.
序:Everything has a meaning 1. 现实还是虚幻:镜像内外的时空之旅 空间:几场旅行的风花雪月 澳大利亚 旧金山 罗马 神户 A train heading far away: 日日累积的那些最终会把我们带向哪里 时间: 故事发生的时间点 Takako阅读的手账日期 全时间线整理 Sachiko的mansion时间整理 人物: 设定的细枝末节 2. 科幻还...
What is a weekend getaway meaning? a place where one escapes for relaxation, vacation, etc., or a period of time for such recreation: a little seaside getaway; a two-week getaway in the Bahamas. ... used for occasional relaxation, retreat, or reclusion: a weekend getaway house. ...
Or you might say to someone, "let's cross that bridge when we come to it", meaning wait don't worry about that thing, we'll deal with it, when it happens when it arises.或者你可能会对某人说,“船到桥头自然直”,意思是等一下,不要担心那件事,当它发生时,当它出现时,我们会处理的...