</template> <script> import Vue from "vue"; import { Icon } from "vant"; import { Popup } from "vant"; Vue.use(Icon); Vue.use(Popup); export default { data() { return { yesr: 1970, // year actived: 1, // month show: false }; }, mounted() { // Set default year ...
vant-themeOnline theme preview built on Vant UI @antmjs/vantuiMobile UI Components based on Vant, supporting Taro and React TaroifyTaroify is the Taro version of Vant vant-playgroundVant Playground sfc-playground-vantVant Playground vue3-h5-templateMobile project template based on Vant ...
🌱 A ready-to-use mobile project base template built with the Vue3, Vant, and Vite. | 基于 Vue3、Vite5、TypeScript/JavaScript、Tailwindcss、Vant4,开箱即用的移动端项目基础模板 - yulimchen/vue3-h5-template
Import Vant from ‘vant’ B. import { Divider } from 'vant'; Vue.use(Divider) C. import { Divider } from 'vant' D. vue.use(Divider) 点击查看答案 单项选择题 平行板电容器的极板面积为S,二极板内表面的间距为d,极板间为真空。现使其中一个极板带上电荷+Q,那么二极板间的电位差等于 ( ) A...
1)兼容vant的375设置 在你的vue.config.js文件中添加如下代码: css: { loaderOptions: { postcss: { postcssOptions: (loaderContext) => { return { plugins: [ ["autoprefixer"], // vant px转vw。参坑:单独写在postcss.config.js中无法解析vant内部样式 ...
如何导入vant-ui A. import Vant from ‘vant’ B. import Vant from ‘vant’ Vue.use(Vant) C. import Vant D. import ‘vant’
vant Vantis a library of UI components created for mobile applications, based on Vue.js. It lists many components likeAction Componentswhich can provide their own methods & options. Demo Pages You can scan the following QR code to access the demo: ...
vue+vant2—篇4—用viewport 单位适配浏览器 Vant 默认使用px作为样式单位,如果需要使用viewport单位 (vw, vh, vmin, vmax),推荐使用postcss-px-to-viewport进行转换。 postcss-px-to-viewport是一款 PostCSS 插件,用于将 px 单位转化为 vw/vh 单位。
我没在App.vue里面写keep-alive,因为系统的入口在main.vue,下面时main.vue中的内容 注意:下面代码中的css,.main-container 中设置的高度很关键 <template> <div class="page-main main-container"> <template v-if="isRouterAlive"> <keep-alive>
三、问题解决 看了下根目录的package.json中的版本"unplugin-vue-components": "^0.27.0",所以改为如下引入即可解决 module.exports={configureWebpack: {plugins: [ComponentsPlugin.default({resolvers: [VantResolver()],}),],},}