Okul andaki ocuklarda Demir, inko ve A Vitamini Eksiklii Prevalansnn Deerlendirilmesidoi:10.12956/tjpd.2018.371Objective: Iron, zinc and vitamin A are important micronutrients for public health. These three micronutrients have effects on cell division and differentiation,...
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Anorexie psychogène et carences vitaminiques sévères dans les suites d’une gastrectomie longitudinale. Rev Médecine Interne. 2014;35(9):609–12. Article CAS Google Scholar Zerrouk F, Chaouad B, Ghoul A, Khedis L, Moulahoum A, Othmani K, et al. Effet d’une surcharge en ...
Action comparee de divers facteurs vitaminiques P sur l’oxydation de l’acide ascorbique par les ions cuivriques. Bull Soc Chim Biol (Paris). 1951;33:302–5. CAS Google Scholar Masquelier J. Plant extract with a proanthocyanidins content as therapeutic agent having radical scavenger ...
Similarly, the Eames-inspired mobile featured on Vitaminihandmade can also serve as a modern and abstract decoration. To make it, you need a few wooden dowels, wood balls, wood glue, black spray paint, clear spray sealer and fishing line. Spray paint the balls and then glue them to the ...
(C) 1999 Elsevier, Paris. 展开 关键词: adolescence antivitaminiques K empoisonnement poisoning raticides suicide suicide (tentative de vitamin K deficiency warfarin DOI: 10.1016/S0929-693X(00)88479-1 年份: 1999 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 Ingenta ResearchGate ...
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(POWDERFORM), SYNTHETICVitamini synthetici densati A pulvisDEFINITIONPowder concentrate obtained by dispersing a synthetic retinolester (0217) in a matrix of Gelatin (0330) or Acacia (0307) orother suitable material.Content: 95.0 per cent to 115.0 per cent of the vitamin Acontent stated on the...
复方维生素U片Tabellae VjtaminiuCompositae:每片含维生素U25mg、氢氧化铝50mg、三硅酸镁100mg、颠茄浸膏3mg。适用于胃溃汤、十二指肠溃疡、慢性胃炎、胃酸过多、胃痉挛等。口服每次1—2片,每日3次,饭后服。 复方维生素U胶囊(胃得宁)Capstllaevitamini U Compositae:每粒含维生素U50mg、氢氧化铝140mg、额茄浸膏...
method of producing a vitaminprparates to vitaminieren of food products and beveragesALFRED CANNALONGA,MARCOPIERRE EISENSTEIN,PHILIP