Visit to a Science Fair Write a 450 words essay on Holi festival Holi is known as a festival of colours‚ fun and frolic. It is a festival of the Hindus. It usually comes in March. It is celebrated with gaiety in North India. Of late the South is also catching up with the North...
Each visit to a museum is a unique experience, offering insights into the human story from different angles and evoking a range of emotions. In this essay, we will delve into the various aspects of visiting a museum, exploring its educational, cultural, and emotional significance. Firstly, the...
2025年,总共6门IB课程将进行改革,其中的5门是IBDP课程+1门IBCP课程。 2025 IBDP改革课程包括Computer science、Design technology、Psychology、Visual arts和DP extended essay。 选课有区别,但是IBDP学生都要写EE! 2025年,IB EE课程改革将发生哪些变化? 2025年IB EE改革概览 改革后的EE于2025年2月推出。2027年5月...
Unit 1 Scientists 写作 Writing a descriptive essay Unit1Scientists Writingadescriptiveessaytoshareyourexperienceof exploringscience 写一篇描述性文章,分享你探索科学的经验 Purpose Themainpurposeofdescriptivewritingistodescribeaperson,placeorthinginsuchawaythatapictureisformedinthereader’smind.Thesuccessof...
Video: Write a Great College Essay More Choosing prompts and writing essays can be one of the most difficult parts of the college application process. The essays give students an opportunity to explain their interests and desires. But how can students use them to stand out in...
B.An essay on the art of writing. C.A guidebook to a museum. D.A review of modern paintings.2. What are the selected artworks about? A.Wealth and intellect. B.Home and school. C.Books and reading. D.Work and leisure.3. What do the underlined words “relate to” in paragraph ...
Be sure to pay a visit as part of your stay in the city.Park Place, Cardiff CF10 Where is the Welsh Proms Cardiff hosted? A.At the New Theatre. B.At the Glee Club. C.At Sherman Cymru. D.At St David’s Hall.2. What can people do at the ...
A.Anessayonthevalueofart.B.Areviewofmodemfilms. C.Anintroductionaboutfestivals.D.AuidetoNorthAmerica. To3BestMuseumsintheWorld Whetheryouareafineartorhistorylover,thefollowinthreemuseumsaresuretotakeyourbreathaway. LcLouvre,Paris,France AvisittotheLouvreanditscollectionsletsvisitorsdiscoverWesternartfromthe...
There are scholarships available for students pursuing a specific college major, from education and biology to engineering. For instance, students pursuing a career in STEM –which encompasses the fields of science, technology, engineering and math – can apply for a range of awards, such as the...