There is provided a recombinant Marek's disease virus comprising the genomic DNA of an attenuated Marek's disease virus and a foreign gene from another source. The present recombinant virus can advantageously be used as an active ingredient for a multifunctional live vaccine, exhibiting not only ...
M. N. Relacao entre a atividade de esterases e a resistencia de Myzus persicae (Sulz.) (Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae) a pirimicarbe. Neotropical Entomology, v. 32, n. 4, 2003.FURIATTI, R.S.; LAZZARI, S.M.N. Relacao entre a atividade de esterases e a resistencia de Myzus ...
简介:2014年培训需求调查包括:培训需求分析概述,培训需求分析框架,培训需求分析方法,2014年度需求调查四个主要部分。 文档关键字: 级别:| 积分:100分 | 大小:1,023.50KB | 下载:4080次 | 上传:2013-12-03 如何制定2014年员工奖罚制度 简介:员工奖惩制度以下几种,请根据你们的...
RESULTS: This diabody was used in a simple hemagglutination technique to perform HPA-1a phenotyping on soluble glycoprotein IIb/IIIa from EDTA plasma samples. Over 1000 unselected donors have been correctly HPA-1a-phenotyped by use of the diabody. The human recombinant IgG1 anti-HPA-1a was ...
Site-specific PSM length, along with Gleason grade and lymph node status, can be predictive of BCR and assist in risk stratification of patients with PSM following radical prostatectomy.Mark HsuSteven L ChangMichelle FerrariRosalie NolleyJoseph C Presti JrJames D BrooksPsicologia Sa...
The construction of a tubular hydrogen ion-selective potentiometric electrode without inner reference solution, based on the tridodecylamine (TDDA) ionophore, and its evaluation in a flow system are described. TDDA was dissolved in 2-nitrophenyl octyl ether, dispersed in a PVC membrane and applied...
This article has no associated abstract. ( fix it )José Martins dos Santos NetoHorizonte
The influence of the phase of the beta rhythm on EEG-BOLD coupling: a simultaneous intracranial EEG-fMRI study in humansInês Maçatilde
There was an intensification of the commerce of those goods directed to supplying the markets of Rio de Janeiro, which allowed for the social-economic and political ascension of some land- and slave-owners from that area along the first decades of the 19th Century....
However, the results showed considerable variation among centers. Thus the causes for this variation should be analyzed and proposals for improvement should be made.doi:10.1590/S1135-57272006000400008El comandante de laCaravana de la muerteScientia Agraria...