YouTube/Jana Duggar Jana Duggar & Stephen Wissmann The former19 Kids and Countingstar tied the knot with the musician—one of 13 siblings and a member ofThe Wissmann Familygospel band—at a500-guest wedding in ArkansasAug. 15. Despite knowing Stephen—whose sisterHannahis married to her bro...
“We all had such a wonderful time at Amy’s wedding. All of this excitement has caused Jessa to pull out her pictures from her wedding and post 100 of them on her website. Check out her album here which includes many never before seen pictures.” [ Related: Josh Duggar Reportedly Isn...
Both Piers and Orman were rude to Anderson, but the most patronizing thing happened at the very beginning of Orman’s remarks. After Anderson shared his views, Orman gave him a rhetorical pat on the head. She told him that he was obviously “uneducated in how it really, really works.” ...
Just before Will and Kate’s 2011 wedding, Charlotte decided to auction off the dress. As The Guardian reported at the time, it was sold to a man who identified himself as “Nick from Jersey” for a
Sophie -- a former reality TV star who appeared with her family on the A&E seriesGene Simmons: Family Jewelsand alongside her mother, Shannon Tweed, on the reality seriesShannon and Sophie-- also shared her thoughts on another reality show family, the Duggars. ...
Bill Gothard, Doug Phillips, Josh Duggar, all had VERY STRICT rules surrounding their interactions with women. Or at least that’s what it looked like. The thing is,moral purity cannot be created through rules.And frankly, rules provide muchlessprotection than we think while objectifying womenmo...
My very best friend/college roommate and her husband are BOTH only children, and they are BOTH incredibly adjusted, selfless, giving individuals! It’s the heart attitude and obedience that matters. 🙂 And I agree–1 child is just as much a blessing as the 22 the Duggars have (or is...
8: Overpopulating the Earth is Very Entertaining (19 Kids and Counting, Jon and Kate Plus 8):That crazy Duggar woman has said she doesn’t believe in overpopulation. ~Shocking~ To be honest, this really should be put under #7 because I’m pretty sure people just watch this show to fee...
Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar The Duggars are known for their religious views. Jim Bob and Michelle even toldThe Christian Postabout their celibacy rules. The couple recommends that their children only partake in side hugs and not full frontal hugs. They also recommend no kissing or sexual contac...
They were also off being Duggars and Chris and I were all like “hey look at this sweet Halloween costume we bought for our dog.” The gap of where were in life was growing. Infertility is the thief of joy and it robbed me of celebrating amazing events with close friends. At the ...