Chartbrew - Web application that can connect directly to databases and APIs and use the data to create beautiful charts. (Demo, Source Code) MIT Nodejs/Docker CloudBeaver - Self-hosted management of databases, supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite and more. A web/hosted version of DBeaver. (Sou...
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A curated list of awesome things related to Data Engineering. Contents Data Ingestion Serialization format Charts and Dashboards Data Lake Management lakeFS- lakeFS is an open source platform that delivers resilience and manageability to object-storage based data lakes. ...
Full size table As expected, age was negatively related to virginity both for males (odds ratio, OR = 0.717,pvalue < 0.001) and females (OR = 0.764,pvalue < 0.001): growing older reduces the probability of maintaining virgin status. ...
The system operation flow chart for vital signs estimation using data from FMCW radar and face video recording. Full size image The evaluation methods We employed four evaluation metrics to determine the algorithm and system performance, as proposed in past literature9,10. The Pearson Correlation Coe...
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Flow chart presenting successive research tasks in the process of experimental investigations. Full size image To determine air velocity, differences in air pressure in the orifice were measured with the Introl HMG 01 pressure gauge. Air velocity was measured according to standard PN-93/M-53950/01...
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Parcel - Blazing fast, zero configuration web application bundler. Microbundle - Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules. FuseBox - A bundler that does it right Snowpack - A lightning-fast frontend build tool, designed for the modern web. bundle - A quick online npm package size checker.Min...