上传组件UI、样式支持slot全部重写自定义。 <template><div class="home-view"><!-- 上传组件 --><upload :customRequestPro="customRequestPro" :beforeUploadPro="beforeUploadPro"></upload><!-- 启用拖拽上传组件 --><upload :isDragger="true" :customRequestPro="customRequestPro" :beforeUploadPro="befor...
当我定义完Upload.Dragger组件的accept属性,这时候这个组件不能够拖拽上传文件<Upload.Dragger multiple listType="picture" accept="application/xml" beforeUpload={file => { this.setState(state => ({ importFileList: [...state.importFileList, file], })); return false; }} onRemove={file => { thi...
Currently, it is unachievable with the current API to make Upload to work with directories. What does the proposed API look like? Simply, make another attribute to the Upload.Dragger, such as <Upload.Dragger directory={true} {...props} />. This would allow the dragger to be able to ...
Use <Form.Item valuePropName="fileList"> with <Upload.Dragger> , seehttps://codesandbox.io/s/angry-monad-4637u What is expected? Upload without error. setFieldsValue is usable to set fileList What is actually happening? Uncaught TypeError: fileList.some is not a function ...
important; } } .el-upload { width: 100%; .el-upload-dragger { width: 100%; .el-upload__text { padding: 20px; } } } .noMobile { .w100 { width: 100% !important; .el-form-item__content { width: 75% !important; .el-select { width: 100% !important; } .el-input { width:...