将集合S分成非空、不相交的子集叫做集合的一个划分,也就是说S=union of disjoint nonempty subsets,mutually exclusive collectively exhaustive。 我们可以依等价关系划分集合,也可以根据集合的划分定义等价关系,总而言之,等价关系和划分本质上可以是一回事(logically equivalent)!如果给出集合S的一个划分,那么只要我们定...
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In July 2012, the ATLAS and CMS collaborations at the CERN Large Hadron Collider announced the observation of a Higgs boson at a mass of around 125 gigaelectronvolts. Ten years later, and with the data corresponding to the production of a 30-times lar
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[3] European Union. General data protection regulation (GDPR)[EB/OL].[2018-05-25]. https://gdpr.eu/tag/gdpr/. [4] Mueller S T, Hoffman R R, Clancey W, et al. Explanation in human-AI systems:A literature meta-review, synopsis of key ideas and publications, and bibliography for exp...
b In this work, a new scheme for ANN potential training is introduced, in which interatomic forces are used to extend the training set with energies approximated by Taylor expansion. The method is computationally as efficient as the conventional energy training and can significantly reduce the ...
offer an appealing intermediate logic to study. Firstly, when considered in isolation, they offer very good computational properties: they have many of the desirable closure (union, intersection, complement) and algorithmic properties of the regular languages, in contrast to many other classes of lang...
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Moreover, sides of fall into two classes: either a side is not contained in and coincides precisely with for some k, or it lies in is a union of adjacent for some k and some m. By construction (i) and as . (ii) The vertices of form a subset of . Fix . We would like to ...