“a typical day”的翻译为“典型的一天”。 以下是对这一翻译的详细解释: 一、翻译解释 “a typical day”这个短语在英语中描述了一个普通、平常或具有代表性的日子。在中文中,我们将其翻译为“典型的一天”,其中“典型”一词准确地传达了原短语中“具有代表性”或“平常”...
女秘书工作———典型的一日(Female secretarial work - a typical day) 女秘书工作———典型的一日(Female secretarial work - a typical day) Female secretarial work - a typical day The heavier the responsibility the Secretary has, the more irregular her routine is. She has to plan and organize ...
A typical workday of mine begins with a stunning view over Tsuen Wan as soon as I enter the office area. The lively atmosphere of the lobby – or Social Hub as we call it – works well to beat my morning fatigue. Getting a cup of Double Espresso helps sp
Chandler: So, it's a typical day at work. I'm inputting my numbers, and big Al calls me into his office and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor. All: That's great! 」 02【发音要点】 「 Chandler: So,...
A typical workday (一)复杂的案件 一个颇为复杂的案子周五在新疆开庭,说这个案子复杂是因为这个案子涉及到合伙企业型私募基金的投资者退出和内部追责问题。 昨晚八点开始加班到凌晨1点多,办公室睡了一晚,今早九点起床,精神尚可。 又重新梳理了之前的思路,又重新做了法律检索和案例检索,意外发现上次检索后出现了...
There are, of course, many other tasks and activities that my fellow teachers and I would do in a typical workday, but as teachers, keeping learning and practicing is fundamental to our career development, along with being consc...
work in the factories as well, rather than getting them educated. With little representation, education, or options, factory workers also tended to work in horrible working conditions to go along with the bad hours. The typical work day at this time lasted anywhere from 10-18 hours per day,...
女秘书工作———典型的一日(Female secretarial work - a typical day) 女秘书工作———典型的一日(Female secretarial work - a typical day) Female secretarial work - a typical day The heavier the responsibility the Secretary has, the more irregular her routine is. She has to plan and organize...
Describe a typical work day for you. Similar interview questions: Walk me through your list of activities for a normal workday. What are the key things you need to accomplish in your work on a weekly basis? What are the core deliverables for your role?
Exercises5.1。Read what Laur a says about a typical working day eu7 dao takes me about half an hourIstart work at 845 neer avenc work at 5 o'clock I'm always tired when I get home Iuually cooama in the evening I don't usually go out I go to bed at about 11o'clock, and ...