A Twisted Tale extends over a total of 7 chapters. Each chapter takes Vio into a new world with its own setting, small stories and a large portion of classic point & click adventure riddles. The first chapter, which can be discovered with the release of the game, has an average playing...
Game ModesSingle player Player PerspectivesSide view Series- Is a spin-off of- Franchises- Game Engine- Story Discover a humouristic point and click adventure inspired by all the masterpieces which made us stick to our computers back in the day (and therefore we played outside way too infrequ...
A Twisted TaleA Twisted Tale纠错 PC | 未知上市时间: 2024-03-08(PC) 游戏类型: 冒险游戏 官方中文: 不支持 制作发行: Voodoo BembelAbout the game Discover a humouristic point and click adventure inspired by all the masterpieces which made us stick to our computers back in the day (and ...
暂无评分 - . - 评论数不足 - . - 一款幽默的点击冒险游戏,灵感来自于当年那些让我们沉迷电脑的杰作(因此我们很少去户外玩耍)。 类型: 点击 , 冒险 视角: 侧面视角 版本: 发行版本 游戏本体 模式: 单人 主题: 喜剧 扭曲的故事 点击播放 扭曲的故事 视频 扭曲的故事 点击播放 扭曲的故事 视频 ...
一个扭曲的故事A Twisted Tale for Mac,是一款扣人心弦的点击式解谜冒险游戏。在这款游戏中,你将踏入一个充满神秘与惊悚的世界,探索隐藏在黑暗中的秘密。独特的画风和诡异的音乐将你深深吸引,每个场景都充满了未知与挑战。通过点击和拖拽,你将解开一个个谜题,逐步揭开故事的真相。故事情节扑朔迷离,令人欲罢不能...
PCGAME-A.Twisted.Tale-TENOKE.torrent 网盘分流 链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1iAA-2PfC9sHVCVX...
1. 用WINRAR软件解压缩游戏到硬盘上 2. 开始游戏 必备运行库 · DirectX Redist 多国语言版9.29.1974 96MB · 说明:必备运行库即是A Twisted Tale游戏运行所必须要安装的程序,如果没有这些程序,游戏可能无法正常运行。 点此下载常用运行库整合包(551M)含常见错误解决方法。
Never After, an adventure mobile RPG game based on Grimms' Fairy Tales, offers a thrilling and exciting journey for you and other like-minded adventurers. Pre-register now and win iPhone 13 Pro Max!
A Twisted Tale(2007) Video|10 min|Documentary, Short Edit pageAdd to list Track Writer/Director Adam Green and Twisted Sister front-man Dee Snider trace their 2 decade long friendship that served as inspiration for both of them. Director ...
"Twisted Tales" is an on-going episodic parody of movie/fairy tale/mash-ups borrowing from pop culture and other nonsense. PO' WHITE is a spoof "influenced" by RESERVOIR DOGS and PULP FICTION. It contains adult language and blood. Director George Adams Writer George Adams Producer George...