Leia o resumo do produto Resumo do produto Brand Protector Saiba como detectar e mitigar ataques direcionados à sua marca, incluindo golpes de phishing, apropriações indevidas e muito mais. Leia o resumo do produto Resumo do produto Content Protector ...
The purpose of this study was to investigate adsorption isotherms of removing BPA from aqueous solutions using single walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs).Materials and methods: This study was an empirical investigation. Our experiments were conducted discontinuously using 50 mL of sample in each test. ...
A duplex RT-PCR assay is reported for the simultaneous detection of avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV) and avian metapneumovirus (aMPV), the causative agents of major diseases in poultry. The duplex RT-PCR assay optimized showed a detection limit of 10-3 (101 EID50/50m L for IBV and...
The paper deals with a particular quality management problems of the public sector. Organisations implement quality management by means of specific models and tools within the Total Quality Management concept. Common Assessment Framework represents one of these public sector models. The purpose of the ...
the author presents us with a critical reading of herbert marcuse's eros and civilization, going through its many philosophical insertions and the manners in which it approaches and distances itself from the freudian discourse. he thus highlights the currentness of marcuse's interpretation of freud,...
Teste Avaliação Física最新版截图 # Teste Avaliação Física最新版 Aplicativo desenvolvido para facilitar o lançamento e cálculo das notas do Teste de Avaliação Física. O teste de avaliação física avalia o condicionamento físico dos ...
A TUF Gaming 850W Gold é uma PSU eficiente, resiliente e fiável que foi concebida para longa duração.
Guia da Construção 4395 次下载 暂无 好评率 0 人评论 Guia da Construção最新版截图 # Guia da Construção最新版 A partir de outubro de 2013, as revistas Guia da Construção e Construção Mercado se apresentam em um só volume mensal ...
worldrealityWe cannot assert the existence of a real world subsisting in and by itself, independently of our cognitive construction. There are several contemporary variants of the Kantian negation of the possibility to know things as they are in themselves. We are unable to apprehend the world as...
I will recast these thesis in accordance with the approach defended and I will conclude that this present version of empiricism is free from Sellars's criticism.doi:doi:449Eros Moreira De CarvalhoUniversidade Federal do Rio Grande do NortePrincípios Revista De Filosofia...