Atransistorworks by controlling the flow of current through a semiconductor material. The current is controlled by the voltage applied to the transistor’s base.Transistorscan be used as switches or amplifiers. When used as a switch, the transistor can be turned on or off, depending on the vol...
Transistor and process of making a transistor having an improved LDD masking materialA transistor is provided with a gradually increasing source and drain arsenic doping profile in a lateral direction from the gate conductor sidewall surfaces. The very smooth doping profile ensures...
A transistor is a miniaturesemiconductorthat regulates or controls current or voltage flow in addition to amplifying and generating these electrical signals and acting as a switch or gate for them. Typically, transistors consist of three layers, or terminals, of a semiconductor material, each of whi...
A.ordinal B.untimely D.accidental 【答案】 D 119、The word “transistor” is formed by joining together the initial part of “transfer” and the final part of “resister”, and this word formation is called___ A.compounding B.blending C.back-formation D.borrowing 【答案】...
adder transistor adder unit addgate adding and substracti addingbox adding light addingmachine adding sand or organi adding shutters image addingvirus addingwheel additional aging additional agreement additional air govern additional arc electr additional attachment additional auditing p additional bar additiona...
amplifierphotonic net amplifiertransistor amplify your message ampliticador amplitude comparisont amplitude correlator amplitude error actua amplitude modulation amplitude of swell amplitude probability amplitude shaping amplitude vs frequenc amplitude angle of amplitude-splittinein amplitudefunction amplitudeofyaw ...
A substance that can conduct electricity is called theconductorand a substance that cannot conduct electricity is known as the insulator. Semiconductors have properties that sit between the conductor and insulator. Adiode, integrated circuit (IC) andtransistorare all made from semiconductors. ...
where current leaves the channel. All these components are built on a base of the semiconducting material silicon. This transistor concept was industrialized in the 1950s and 60s and was highly suited for mass production and miniaturization. The number of transistors a chip could contain increased ...
Atransistorisadevicethatconductsavariableamountofelectricitythroughit,dependingonhowmuchelectricityisinputtoit.Inotherwords,itisadigitalswitch.However,unlikethevacuumtube,itissolidstate. 晶体管是一种依据输入电量大小而传导可变电量的器件。换言之,晶体管是一种数字开关。然而,和真空管不同,晶体管是“固态”的。
we report a tunnelling field-effect transistor made from a black phosphorus/Al2O3/black phosphorus van der Waals heterostructure in which the tunnelling current is in the transverse direction with respect to the drive current. Through an electrostatic effect, this tunnelling current can induce a dra...