代码链接: GitHub - adrienpetralia/TransApp: [VLDB 2024] ADF & TransApp: A Transformer-Based Framework for Appliance Detection Using Smart Meter Consumption Seriesgithub.com/adrienpetralia/TransApp
(1)输入部分,time series的每个time step的features 相当于一个句子里的一个token的embedding,但是根据实际经验来看,如果每个timestep的features太少做self attention效果不好,这里作者提供的方法是直接用一个shared的linear层来做升维的操作,看了下源代码确实是这么设计的https://github.com/gzerveas/mvts_transformer/...
另外Tagger结构为Transfomer。Normalizer则是根据Tagger进行处理,其结构为seq2seq。另外本文也提出了图3的数据增广的策略。 3、实验 首先从实验结果table 3可以得知三点:第一,数据增广可以提高准确率;第二,多重任务的模型稍微优于分开的单任务模型;第三,本文的方案优于现有的baseline 方案。同时,在内部的数据集上也...
In this paper, we propose TransMEF, a transformer-based multi-exposure image fusion framework that uses self-supervised multi-task learning. The framework is based on an encoder-decoder network, which can be trained on large natural image datasets and does not require ground truth fusion images....
In this paper, we propose a transformer-based model architecture. In this approach, we leverage a mixture of pre-trained word and knowledge graph embeddings to encode the semantics of input context, a transformer decoder to perform path generation controlled by encoded input context and head ...
Mask DINO: Towards A Unified Transformer-based Framework for Object Detection and Segmentation.Feng Li*, Hao Zhang*, Huaizhe xu, Shilong Liu, Lei Zhang, Lionel M. Ni, Heung-Yeung Shum.arxiv. [paper] [code] [KMaX-DeepLab] k-means Mask Transformer.Qihang Yu, Huiyu Wang, Siyuan Qiao, Max...
Inspired by this, we propose the Uni-MOF framework as a multi-purpose solution for predicting gas adsorption of MOFs under different conditions using structural representation learning. Compared with other Transformer-based models such as MOFormer34 and MOFTransformer33, our Uni-MOF, as a Transformer...
首次提出基于Transformer框架的,将Code Summary和Code Search结合的模型 Techique 使用Tree-based Transformer和Transformer对Source Code和Comment进行编码,融入更多的语义信息 Evaluation 一系列实验表明,Code Summary和Code Search的质量都有提升 Institution Example ...
1 mask部分理解错误 我以为是连续15%的mask 参考: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases. 其实: NLP中使用伯努利分布来随机产生Mask。伯努利分布会使得平均来看是正、负交替的,完全平均随机的。 在数值预测中,这回使得产生trivial的解,只missing一个值的话,会走捷径...