For some this is a touchy subject so I will try to approach it with the passion I feel for the topic without sounding preachy. I love this industry and consider it a blessing to have a gift and a pleasure and great responsibility to bring great stories to readers as well as offer serv...
Crafting with old books is a bit of a touchy subject. Why cut up a perfectly good book just because you have a project idea or it happens to have a rockin’ cover? That makes perfect sense to me. Still, sometimes we end up with books that are too damaged to read, and at that poi...
Fitness is a touchy subject for a lot of people these days. Everyone has an opinion and a favorite type of exercise to help get in shape (from none at all to excessive and everything in between). What is truly the best type of exercise? Is it different for men and women? What about...
How to be happy again: This video tutorial breaks down a very serious subject (improving mental health) into four steps that you can take this month. How to disagree with your boss: This is exactly why tutorial videos work so well! Even something as touchy as workplace conflict can be br...
Touchy subject in the #MeToo era of Hollywood is the leakage of nudes. I remember back in 2014 when the “Fappening” occurred and there was a widespread anonymous celebrity nude hack, my entire family sat around the dinner table rating the quality and creativity of nekkid photos. Since ...
So is Interstellar really just a touchy feely movie masquerading as an abstruse pop quiz in astrophysics? If the story strikes a chord with you, I don’t think you’ll bother analyzing what it is or is not. Just for laughs, here’s Interstellar’s Honest Trailer. ...
Cohen chronicles how some of the groups contending or working with the BRA in both Charlestown and the South End went through a series of remarkably rapid ideological and tactical transformations over a brief period of time. Finally, while it’s a touchy subject, it seems fairly clear that, ...
In order to understand what this means, you need to understand how the authors define both “New Age” and “conspiracy theory.” Here’s what they say on that: “[New Age] groups embrace the idea of a person as an integrated whole, with mind, body, and spirit subject to a common ...
Musings.:“This is a very touchy subject. Some will be upset, but here in Australia its just stupid level. Communion in…” hwriggles4 on Rome 24/10 – Day 19: Review of the “Ave Maria Bell”:“The “meritozzo” reminds me of the Mexican sweet bread. The tradition of hiding ...
discussions/arguments I’ve had on the subject of determinism, so I’m probably going further than Gazzaniga intended with his thinking. Or not. I shall continue reading the book to see if he comes to any definite determinist conclusions, or if he even touches on such a touchy subject. ...