The story begins with 25 year old Sarah, who is a single mother of twins, whose life has been a constant struggle with loneliness and insecurity, primarily due to her emotionally distant adoptive parents, finds herself running into her estranged husband Rafael at a party. Thus, a man whose ...
in Osaka, or the Temple at the center of Black Rock City at Burning Man, to local interventions that highlight unique spaces such as the creative reimagining of a popular market space in the historic center of Sibiu, Romania, or the subtle presence of a villa in the Mediterranean ...
Ely wakes up alone and rushes off to attend her first photography class, reminiscing on the best one-night stand of her life. She doesn’t even know his name. That is, until Wyatt Cole shows up for class—and Ely realizes that the man she just spent an intimate and steamy night with...
Via this component, students can send their homework to their teachers; know the schedule of their classes, exams, and other important events; see extra material and presentations of the topics covered in class; send messages to their teachers; and check their class grades. The administrative ...
The common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a significant vegetable crop, grown because it is a rich source of protein, carbohydrates, and vitamin B complex. Fusarium solani and Rhizoctonia solani are the most widely known pathogens contributing to large
This tiny two-tier has a bit of vintage charm thanks to an elegant gold and floral crest. 14of 48 Baroque Nadia Meli Photography A spray of moody blooms dresses up this ornate gold and sapphire-blue beauty. 15of 48 Lightly Gilded
How to watch: Palm Springs is now streaming on Hulu. 8. Working Girl My apologies to all of you who will have Carly Simon's Oscar-winning theme song "Let the River Run" stuck in your head for the next week now that I have brought it up. But as soon as I picture the opening cre...
Prestack waveform inversion of three-dimensional seismic data — An example from the Rock Springs Uplift, Wyoming, USA3D prestack waveform inversion but due to high computational costs, their applications are limited, and amplitude-variation-with-offset/angle inversion is still the current state-of-...
class in composition. VisitCreative Eye Workshopsfor more information. SHARE THIS: Landscape Photography,Nature,Nature Photography,Photography Lessons The Extraordinary in the “Ordinary” On this “ordinary” January morning at Bluff Spring Fen, a blanket of cold winter white covered the preserve. As...
The best way I can explain it is like having the tactile response part-way down an MX Brown switch but right at the very top of the key. Once you surmount that initial force, the rest of the key is a smooth travel until it gently bottoms out. Then it springs right back pronto. Sim...