Book a car rental in Phoenix, Arizona from Avis. Find locations all around the city and its suburbs with great prices on rental cars and custom rental options.
Over22 million people visit the Phoenix metropolitan areaannually. If you're among them, here are some handy hot spots you'll want to know about. The Arizona Science Center strives to both inspire and educate. Inside, you'll find 98,000 square feet of space dedicated to exploration and dis...
Welcome to Cinevo™The Evolution of Cinema Equipment RentalWe focus on the gear, so you can focus on your shoot. But we’re more than a camera rental house, providing crew, studio space, and production support. Serving productions in Phoenix, all of Arizona, and the rest of the US.Bro...
Our quick research shows that a good DJ in Arizona charges $600-$1200 or more just for one night. If you're on a budget and need to save money, renting high-quality, professional DJ equipment may be your best solution -- and it's easy to set up and completely user friendly! Just...
Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix is a lush, green desert city that wastes water like nowhere I have seen before. Fountains flow and sprinklers keep the grass green, but the cactus-covered desert on the outskirts of town is where I prefer to spend my time. That is, unless I am headed to the ...
one way rental young driver rental (from age 19) rental stations throughout the US and the world DRIVING AND EXPLORING PHOENIX, ARIZONA REVIEWS OF PHX AIRPORT Check out these online reviews of PHX Airport in Phoenix: Yelp- “Friendly and clean airport. Easy to navigate and car rental all in...
Mesa AZ A / P Phoenix AZ AT AT CA Airline Ticket + Fee Shuttle Mesa-Phoenix Lodging Lodging + Tax Gas Rental car Shuttle Mesa-PhoenixH, HerbertStreet, E IvyglenAl, A P BirminghamAl, BirminghamAz, A P Phoenix
Order a hearty, wood-fired pizza at Fire & Brimstone and have it delivered next door to Garage-East winery. Order a glass, savor a slice, and enjoy live music on the patio. Arizona wine is a young industry, but it’s got an enthusiastic and growing group of devotees. ...
Additionally, eachThe Oasis formerly Phoenix West IIcondo rental offers unique amenities including the following: fully-furnished rooms, beachfront views, beach access, private balcony, floor-to-ceiling windows, full kitchen, washer and dryer, air conditioning, dishwasher, jacuzzi tub, free Wi-Fi, ...
I am moving to Finland for two years from Phoenix, Arizona. I have lived in Phoenix my entire life and have nothing for cold weather. I appreciate the tips on what to pack for the extreme climate change. I just hope I purchase enough of the right items. Reply Jessica & Laurence Norah...