Titration curve of cutinase predicted by TITRA Plot of net charge of cutinase versus pH, calculated at a step width of 0Steffen, B PetersenPeter, FojanEvamaria, I PetersenMaria, Teresa Neves Petersen
1. The graph below shows the titration curvebetween a 0. 10 mol dm-3 weak base and astrong acid.149Volume of acidadded(cm')(a) Find the pH value at equivalence point.(b) Circe the buffr region on the graph.(c)Calculate the pKb of the weak base.(d) Referring to the section 22...
antigas channeling anti gelling agent antigentitration antigorite antigum agent antigum inhibitor antihelicine antihemorrhagic compo antihightemperature antihomocline antihuman thymocytic antihum capacitor antihunt antihunting antihyperon antiicing additive antiionization antikenotoxin antiknockblendingvalu anti...
aqueoustitration aquic soil aquifer basin aquifercoefficient aquiferexploration aquiferpermeability aquiferrecharge aquiferstorage aquifertransmissibili aquiferwater-bearings aquila heliaca aqult aquo-acid aquo-base aquo-pentaminecobalfi aquopentamine cobalti ar ardelavayi ara arabaccountingdinar araban arabinan...
titration enables accurate, repeatable titrant addition and a more robust plot of potential vs. titrant volume. However, manual titration remains a mainstay in many labs around the world (see manual vs. automated titration below). The basic theory behind manual and automated titration is the same...
cell was used to measure the affinity to α-bungaratoxin, prepared in a 3-fold titration series from (2.1 µM to 9 nM) in HEPES buffer and regenerated as decribed above. The background subtraction and data processing was performed as described for α-elapitoxin and α-cobratoxin...
The rectilinear portion of the plot of trypsin activity, measured against inhibitor concentration, extrapolates to a concentration of NcTI which is equivalent to the total concentration of trypsin. The activity of trypsin in the equivalence point (point in the titration curve above the intercept in ...
Additionally, from the DLS-Titration curve, it is possible to conclude an increase in hydrodynamic radius upon an increase in pH, behavior related to a possible molecular association started at pH ≥ pKa (located at 4.5). These results show the familiar expansion of the polymeric chain upon ...
Fig. 4. (a) Fluorescence spectra of 1 (1 μM) exposed to various concentration of Fe3 + in aqueous solution; (b) fluorescence titration curve of 1 (1 μM) with Fe3 + in aqueous solution, inset: the relationship between fluorescence intensity and Fe3 + concentration. To investigate the...
It is estimated that two-thirds of all proteins in higher organisms are composed of multiple domains, many of them containing discontinuous folds. However, to date, most in vitro protein folding studies have focused on small, single-domain proteins. As a