Spending only a few minutes a day you will know where your time goes. Using this data you'll be able to manage your time and be more productive
logger_test.go Oct 25, 2024 main.go Releasing 0.8.0 Feb 14, 2025 main_test.go DST support Part 1: clock.go: AddHours: Preserve current minute (fixc… Oct 25, 2024 search.go Make zone search a bit more useful Oct 19, 2022
最近在用a time logger 记录自己一天的时间和事件,把日常会做的事作成标签,每次要做了就点。 1、手机,touch之类随身带的,记录方便。 2、可以针对个体事件进行时间积累。比如写笔记一共多少时间了?有图标的 3、针对一天的时间安排有回顾分析。饼图,哪快比较多,那块比较少。可以督促自己调整。 4、多个事件同时...
google/wire - Compile-time Dependency Injection for Go [Apache License 2.0] (⭐️13532) gopasspw/gopass - The slightly more awesome standard unix password manager for teams [MIT License] (⭐️6099) goreleaser/godownloader - [DEPRECATED] Download Go binaries as fast and easily as possibl...
BenchLink Data Logger Pro installation requires Keysight IO Libraries to be installed on your machine (version 14.1 or later). You can download this from:www.keysight.com/find/iosuite This software is fully functional and can be used for 30 days before a softw...
As a travel vlogger, I dedicate time to plan my film shoots and create content. Researching filming locations, potential story angles, and researching and connecting to sponsors is crucial. Reaching out to sponsors takes much behind-the-scenes work, but it can help travel-to-film expenses be...
如何记录如何坚持下来的?时间管理的重要性本人相当清楚,为此寻找了很多相关APP,觉得其中就A Timelogger...
On a Mac, look at the bottom of the Dock and locate the "Downloads" folder. Double-click the folder to view downloaded files on your computer. 5 Consider downloading and installing a key logger on your computer. Key loggers record every stroke made on the keyboard, so y...
>> Download the eBook1. Overview In this quick tutorial, we’ll focus on different types of timeouts we can set for the OkHttp client. For the more general overview of the OkHttp library, check our introductory OkHttp guide. 2. Connect Timeout A connect timeout defines a time period in...
This is a good time to apply other available updates including Microsoft Office if installed, and other software updates. If PowerShell will remain in the image you can download the latest available help for PowerShell by running the command Update-Help....