Summary: Before delving into the various attacks on federated learning, it is essential to begin with a summary of the threat models. These threat models outline potential vulnerabilities and risks associated with federated learning, providing a foundation for understanding the security challenges and co...
VECTR is focused on common indicators of attack and behaviors that may be carried out by any number of threat actor groups, with varying objectives and levels of sophistication. VECTR can also be used to replicate the step-by-step TTPs associated with specific groups and malware campaigns, howe...
The threat intelligence lifecycle is a six-step framework that helps organizations achieve those goals: 1. Requirements This is the planning step, where an organization decides on consumers and desired outcomes of the produced intelligence. For instance, is the required intelligence for specific ...
Voice as a threat: VoLTE, a new tool to compromise#mobilenetworks – — Kaspersky (@kaspersky)November 4, 2015 On swapping a legitimate billing system address to an arbitrary address used by the scammer, an adversary is able to discover th...
Intel Feed [RES]cure is an independant threat intelligence project performed by the Fruxlabs Crack Team to enhance their understanding of the underlying architecture of distributed systems, the nature of threat intelligence and how to efficiently collect, store, consume and distribute threat intelligence...
An air gap does not guarantee a secure system Ultrasound data transfer is a well-researched method that’s sometimes used for consumer purposes. In a secured environment, thisside channelposes a threat. The Korean researchers suggest removing the speaker from the motherboard as a safeguard against...
Behavior:Win64/T1557_AdversaryInTheMiddle.A Detected by Microsoft Defender Antivirus Aliases:No associated aliases Summary Microsoft Defender Antivirusdetects and removes this threat. This threat can perform a number of actions of a malicious actor's choice on your device. ...
It is only when evaluating indicators of attack in the big picture, that security teams can identify patterns of behavior that may indicateadversarial intent. Rather than limiting security to searching for a series of stringent profiles, security teams can analyze threat indicators in real time. Thi...
In this paper, we analyze the security of an existent protocol by introducing an insider attacker, and show that their scheme cannot guarantee the claimed security requirements under their adversary model. Then, we present an improved lightweight authentication and key agreement protocol, which aims ...
Trade wars are economic battles between countries that seek redress for wrongful economic actions that pose a threat to a country’s economic well-being. Tariffs can be part of those battles. However, in imposing tariffs, governments should bear in mind that more than the target country may suf...