We study optimal contracts in a specific class of credibility models: relationships in which the surplus comes solely from screening. We show that the optimal contract is to reproduce the Perfect Bayesian Equilibrium of the game without commitment. In this sense, sequen...
A Theory of Credibility. In this context, it pays for people to build a reputation based on reliable behaviour; someone becomes credible by consistently providing accurate and valuable information or by performing useful services. The theory provides a justification... N Vol. - 《Review of ...
Reviews findings from studies (including previously unsummarized "social attraction" research) linking types of source-receiver similarities (attitudinal and membership, relevant and irrelevant), bases for credibility (respect, attraction, trust), and attitude change. Contrary to prevalent formulations, it...
Recognising that the credibility of speakers is important, especially within the political context, this article argues that an adequate conceptualisation of the construct of speaker credibility is needed and that such a conceptualisation should be premised on an acceptable ethical framework. The article...
This paper provides a survey of credibility theory that is a new branch of mathematics for studying the behavior of fuzzy phenomena. Some basic concepts and fundamental theorems are introduced, including credibility measure, fuzzy variable, membership function, credibility distribution, expected value, va...
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Based on literature relating to the theory of planned behavior(TPB) and the TAM, this study extends the applicability of the TAM in a mobile banking context, by adding one trust-based construct('perceived credibility') and two resource-b... SI Han - 한국전자거래학회지 제...
Also in 1923, [17] calculated an expression for the expected value of the tail distribution. In 1927, [10] advanced the theory with a study of the asymptotic distribution of the tail. A year later, [8] showed that extreme limit distributions of the tail can only be one of the three ...
Current formulas in credibility theory often estimate expected claims as a function of the sample mean of the experience claims of a policyholder. An actuary may wish to estimate future claims as a function of some statistic other than the sample arithmetic mean of claims, such as the sample ge...