书名创意的生成(A Technique for Producing Ideas).doc,人大社3月新书快递 《创意的生成》 PAGE 1 学术沃土 思想摇篮 中国人民大学出版社 书名:创意的生成(A Technique for Producing Ideas) 书号:978-7-300-18509-5 作者:[美] 詹姆斯·韦伯·扬(James Webb Youn
James YoungMcGraw-HillA Technique for Producing Ideas (McGraw-Hill Advertising Classic). James Webb Young. . 2003Young, J.W.: A Technique for Producing Ideas: Advertising Age Classics Library. McGraw-Hill, New York (2003)
A McGraw-Hill Advertising Classic A Technique for Producing Ideas reveals a simple, sensible idea-generation methodology that has stood the test of time. First presented to students in 1939, published in 1965, and now reissued for a new generation of advertising professionals and others looking to...
A McGraw-Hill Advertising Classic A Technique for Producing Ideas reveals a simple, sensible idea-generation methodology that has stood the test of time. First presented to students in 1939, published in 1965, and now reissued for a new generation of advertising professionals and others looking to...
20191214【读书笔记】《A Technique for Producing Ideas》by James Webb Young,@1965.After studying just why he(salesman) is so successful we have come to the conclusion that it all rests on just one thing: he doesn't sell space; he sells Ideas.If you ask me why I am willing to give aw...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】A Technique for Producing Ideas》,作者:Young,出版社:McGraw-Hill。最新《【预订】A Technique for Producing Ideas》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《【预订】A Technique for Producing Idea
《A Technique for Producing Ideas》经典语录名句经典语句欣赏:1.Idea comes from combination of old elements; the ability to find combinations lies in the ability...
ChatGPT has emerged as a significant subject of research and exploration, casting a critical spotlight on teaching and learning practices in the higher edu
SR has become an essential technique for examining cognition and behavioral patterns in education by activating instructors’ and students’ retrospection through stimuli and interviews. As SR has evolved and educational paradigms have transformed, the research purpose and critical steps, such as stimuli ...