a camera guy called a cameramans tale a capella to the acco a capital account a capricious refusal a car can be expe ive a caring a cart wheel that is a carved figure on th a case of manslaughte a case study a cat looking at the a cat of ill omen a category eyebrow ma a causa...
Proximity-dependent biotinylation is an emerging technique for discovering protein-interaction networks in biological samples. The BioID method is based on the fusion of a promiscuous biotin ligase (BirA*) to the bait protein9. Proteins that interact with the bait are brought into the labeling radiu...
Catheter-directed thrombolysis is a strategy that is increasingly used for management of acute pulmonary emboli, but it is still a rarely used technique for the treatment of right atrial thrombi. Devices such as the Ekosonic Endovascular System catheter use acoustic movement to dissolve clot. Like...
Dry eye disease is common but it's not always simple. If eye drops aren't helping, you'll want to see an eye doctor to determine the root cause. Barbara SadickFeb. 12, 2025 2025 Best Ambulatory Surgery Centers The second edition of the ASC ratings will feature several methodological refin...
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (ECPR) is emerging as a feasible and effective rescue strategy for prolonged cardiac arrest (CA). However, prolonged total body ischemia and reperfusion can cause microvascular occlusion that prevents organ re
Direct Graft Puncture with Use of a Crossed Catheter Technique for Thrombolysis of Peripheral Bypass Grafts To determine the efficacy and safety of direct graft puncture of peripheral arterial bypass grafts with placement of retrograde and antegrade catheters wit... DE Lee,DL Waldman,RK Sumida,......
Two patients with acutely throm-bosed femorofemoral bypass grafts are presented. Recombinant human tissue-type plasminogen activator (rt-PA) was used successfully in thrombolysis of the occluded grafts. Utilizing a new technique the grafts were punctured directly and bolus doses of rt-PA administered...
It is also called Takotsubo cardiomyopathy because of changes in the shape of the left ventricle similar to “Takotsubo”. In recent years, it has been found that SCM can also be manifested as the involvement of other parts of the left ventricle, the right ventricle or both ventricles and ...
Thrombolysis is an adjunct treatment used with both therapeutic strategies if acute limb ischemia is present. Although endovascular repair is less invasive than surgical bypass, its durability has been questioned. Therefore, empirical evidence comparing the long-term outcomes of OAR with EVAR remains ...
1). In all cases continuous rotation should be maintained during ablation runs in both advancement and pullback movements of the burr to avoid burr entrapment. Fig. 1 Burr selection for rotational atherectomy Full size image An important aspect of the debulking technique is the rotational speed...