“A TDR has been detected.The Application must close.”此错误通常与显卡 GPU 执行密集图形操作时出现的图形问题有关。如果显卡收到的工作负载超过显卡可以在正常超时时间内(两秒)处理的负载量,则通常会发生此问题。如果发生这种情况,操作系统会尝试从冻结状态动态恢复,以便桌面再次响应。这一检测和恢复过程被称为...
在注册表:HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\GraphicsDrivers 下新建项目TdrLevel:REG_DWORD 并设置为 0。禁用检测。重启即可生效。
When you’re seeing the error saying “A TDR has been detected”,probably the TDR timeout was exceeded. Try the methods below… Method 1: Update your NVIDIA graphics driver This error could be caused by a bug related to your graphics card. NVIDIA keeps updating drivers and when it receives...
Maya or Revit crashes with the following message: "A TDR has been detected. The application must close." If Windows does not detect a response from the graphics card within a specified time, the Timeout Detection and Recovery feature resets the graphics
NVIDIA 显卡A TDR has been detected 简单的说,出现这种错误的原因是由于显卡处理的数据量过多,导致消耗时间过长。从Windows Vista开始到Windows 7,加入了对GPU的约束,当响应时间超过两秒时,就会强制停止GPU运行,并强行恢复。结果就是突然黑屏,然后通知栏弹出信息提
A TDR has been detected. The application has to close Thread starter bregelion Start date Aug 7, 2015 B bregelion Member Aug 7, 2015 #1 Hello everyone, I just joined this community and would like to say hello. I just bought the game from steam and would like to say tha...
A TDR has been detected. The application must close. Error code: 7 (pid=1280 tid=15344 afterfx.exe 64bit) Visithttp://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3633for more information. Faulting application name: AfterFX.exe, version:
A TDR has been detected. The application must close. Error code: 7 (pid=1280 tid=15344 afterfx.exe 64bit) Visit http://nvidia.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/3633 for more information. Faulting application name: AfterFX.exe, version:
各位前辈!我现在遇到..各位前辈!我现在遇到个大问题!NVIDIA 显卡A TDR has been detected 怎么解决!我的su模型47兆,我只是开阴影倒出2D图,下班前没问题倒出了5张了,回到家继续倒的时候就出现
各位前辈!我现在遇到..各位前辈!我现在遇到个大问题!NVIDIA 显卡A TDR has been detected 怎么解决!我的su模型47兆,我只是开阴影倒出2D图,下班前没问题倒出了5张了,回到家继续倒的时候就出现