蓝牙4.0 BLE学习时,使用的是TI的CC2540芯片,首先安装IAR 8.10.4,BLE协议栈版本为1.3.2。编译开发板的基础实验工程代码没有什么问题,点击"download and debug"按钮 尝试将代码下载到CC2540板子调试时出现“ a target cannot be selected when used in another debug session or other application”提示框,下载失败,...
CC2430 CC2530 debug时出现“a target cannot be selected ”解决办法及驱动 恰逢**你笑上传33.81 KB文件格式rar (0)踩踩(0) 所需:5积分
Alerts and data collected by rules will be associated with their target object. When you right-click an open alert and selectHealth Explorer, you will open the Health Explorer of the target object. When you right -click an object and selectPerformance View, you will open a view with performa...
When you created a migration task for a source server booted from UEFI, you selected a target server booted from BIOS, and the system reported this error.The target serve
The device's state will change to Busy and a new entry will be added to the Running Jobs branch of the ADS Management snap-in, which, when selected, will give detail about the exact stage of the job process. You'll notice in Figure 4 that the Sysprep target and boot to deployment ...
To set up cross-page posting, you designate the target page using the PostBackUrl property of the control that causes the postback to occur: Copy <asp:Button ID="Button1" Runat="server" Text="Postback to PageTwo.aspx" PostBackUrl="~/PageTwo.aspx...
--Change the SolidColorBrush, BorderBrush, to Transparent when the button is pressed.--><VisualStatex:Name="Pressed"><Storyboard><ColorAnimationStoryboard.TargetName="BorderBrush"Storyboard.TargetProperty="Color"To="Transparent"/></Storyboard></VisualState><!--The Disabled state is omitted for ...
When the Files scope is selected, WebStorm shows only matching project files. To show matching libraries and files from other projects, select the Include non-project items checkbox or again press Shift twice. To narrow down your search, click the Filter icon on the window toolbar and select...
For Target Attribute, select givenName. And for Source, enter PCase([givenName]). The sync engine is case-sensitive for both the function name and the name of the attribute. If you type something wrong, you see a warning when you add the rule. You can save and continue, but ...