参赛公司:T.T.H.R. Aedes Studio 79 项目名称:Assemble Chicago 参赛公司:Studio Gang 80 项目名称:MicroPolis 参赛公司:Studio ST Architects 未建成 - 私人住宅(S <3000平方英尺)Unbuilt - Private House (S <3000 sq ft) 81 项目名称:Kujdane 参赛公司:Shomali Design [Yaser Rashid Shomali & Yasin Ras...
参赛公司:T.T.H.R. Aedes Studio 79 项目名称:Assemble Chicago 参赛公司:Studio Gang 80 项目名称:MicroPolis 参赛公司:Studio ST Architects 未建成 - 私人住宅(S <3000平方英尺)Unbuilt - Private House (S <3000 sq ft) 81 项目名称:Kujdane 参赛公司:Shomali Design [Yaser Rashid Shomali & Yasin Ras...
参赛公司:AB design studio, inc. 住宅类:私人住宅(S 1000-2000平方英尺)Residential:Private House (S 1000-2000 sq ft) 155 专业评委奖 Jury Winner 项目名称:Canterbury House 参赛公司:Murray Legge Architecture 156 大众评选奖 Popular Choice Winner 项目名称:HOUSE AT THE OWL FOREST 参赛公司:BERKTOLD WEB...
公司:LEL DESIGN STUDIO 69 项目:Harvard University District Energy Facility 公司:Leers Weinzapfel Associates Architects, Inc 70 项目:蓝晶微生物Bluepha BioFAB/Bluepha BioFAB 公司:XING DESIGN行之建筑设计事务所 展厅 Showrooms 71 项目:Wangbangyo 公司:On Architects Inc. 72 项目:YEARLY PLAN上海1号楼/YEARL...
the art, architecture, and design industries,the World Design Rankings (WDR)offer an interesting glimpse into the creative pulse of nations. These rankings don't just name names; they paint a broad picture of each country's strengths, weaknesses, and untapped potential in the world of design....
© Tom Harris | ukwé·tase (newcomer/stranger) by Chris T Cornelius of studio:indigenous at the Chicago Cultural Center Inaugurated on September 21st, 2023, The Chicago Architecture Biennial is a city-wide festival that will continue until the end of the year. Titled “This is a Rehearsal...
With Windows Forms, for example, you can drag one of your custom controls from the toolbox and drop it onto the Visual Studio® design surface. Amazingly, Windows Forms knows nothing about the control, yet it's able to host it and let you manipulate its properties. You couldn't do any...
designstudiolimited llc is a multi-disciplinary, boutique design company specializing in commercial, hotel, spa, bar/club and retail design.
据悉,这些车模由 Tesla Design Studio 基于 2024 款 Model S/X 的真车 3D CAD 数据打造,等比例还原了车辆的曲线和表面细节。车模包含 220 多个压铸金属和塑料零件,配备精致内饰、功能车门、可转向前轮等设计,并采用橡胶轮胎和 21 英寸轮毂模型,真实还原了真车的质感。需要注意的是,该产品不适合 14 周岁以下儿童...
a graphic design studio Print see all From collaborating with startups to designing for fortune 500 companies, type:set tackles each design puzzle with the same fundamental problem solving and creative thinking—puzzles are no match for us. ...