通过按照上述步骤操作,你应该能够解决“A system image must be selected to continue”这个错误。
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Step 2: Put 'WindowsImageBackup' folder in the Root Directory of a Drive Not only the name but also the wrong location of the folder can also result in the shape of this error. The system image folder must be at the top level of your hard drive on the computer. If not, then the ...
The file must be less than 512 MB in size. Upload validation data from local file You can upload a new validation dataset to the service from a local file by using one of the following methods: Drag and drop the file into the client area of the Validation data pane, and then select ...
You are advised to selectPay-per-useforBilling Modebecause the ECS will be deleted when you are finished with it. Bind an EIP to theECSso that you can upload installation packages to theECSor download them from theECS. You must add inbound rules for theECSsecurity groups to ensure that ...
Select Advanced System Settings. The setting ScratchConfig.CurrentScratchLocation shows the current location of the scratch partition. In the ScratchConfig.ConfiguredScratchLocation text box, enter a new directory path that is unique for this host. For example, /vmfs/volumes/DatastoreUUID/DatastoreFolder...
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