All I got so far is that you don’t see ‘gender’ used as a synonym for ‘sex’ anymore. But that was not an organized change-by-fiat or change-by-consensus, it was more due to an increasing risk of being misunderstood, I think. Emma December 30, 2022 at 5:09 pm ...
Drag: sometimes used generically as a synonym for crossdressing, particularly when an individual is described as being “in drag” Alternatively, “drag” refers to a genre of performance art or entertainment that is intended to play with, or challenge, commonly held assumptions about gender. The...
to accompany the receipt of such things that a term like “much obliged” has become a synonym for “thank you,” not only in the English language but in others as well. The impressive aspect of the rule for reciprocation and the sense of obligation that (38) with it is its pervasivenes...
For more information on supported C99 features, see Appendix D. 2.12 _ _asm KeywordThe _ _asm keyword (note the initial double-underscore) is a synonym for the asm keyword. If you use asm, rather than _ _asm, and compile in -Xc mode, the compiler issues a warning. The compiler ...
If you follow this approach, it is clear that you favor incremental development, i.e. writing one test at a time. In this continuous cycle of very short iterations, there is space built in forrefactoring. This term is often used as a synonym for “reengineering”, but it has a different...
You can treat the square as a synonym for a graph node because the NetworkX library lets you use any object as a node—as long as it’s hashable. The Square class is hashable out of the box because you implemented it as an immutable, or frozen, data class. Note: The reason why ...
“an injurious, unfair, or unjust act; action or conduct inflicting harm without due provocation or just cause; and a violation or invasion of the legal rights of another [in this case the United States].” In addition, the word illegal does not yet appear as a synonym for any of these...
Hardiness is another synonym for, a personality quality that helps people to lessen the impacts of stress while accomplishing something, is another name for buoyancy (Hiver & Dörnyei, 2017). Similarly, coping is another phrase that may be used interchangeably with buoyancy to describe strategies ...
What is a synonym for summarize? What does elaborate mean? Is 'Why?' a complete sentence? Give the definition of the word "succinctly." What is a complete sentence? Is "over exaggerate" an oxymoron? Define understatement What does 'with that being said' mean?
Act as a Synonym finder Contributed by: @rbadillap I want you to act as a synonyms provider. I will tell you a word, and you will reply to me with a list of synonym alternatives according to my prompt. Provide a max of 10 synonyms per prompt. If I want more synonyms of the word...