Synonym(s) Dry skin ; xerosis ; winter itchSynonym(s)Dry skin ; xerosis ; winter itchDry skinxerosiswinter itchDefinition Irritation caused by lack of moisture in the skinDefinitionIrritation caused by lack of moisture in the skinPathogenesis Physiologic process with aging; seen more often in ...
Synonym for episialin that has fallen out of use. epithelial membrane antigen See episialin. epithelial mesenchymal transition A process (EMT, epithelio-mesenchymal transition) in which epithelial cells assume a mesenchymal phenotype, a key event occurring during normal development and pathological proc...
Names Name all-trans-Retinol Synonym More Synonyms Vitamin A Biological ActivityDescription Retinol, also known as Vitamin A1, has pleiotropic functions including vison, immunity, hematopoiesis, reproduction, cell differentiation/growth, and development. ...
Most progressive and severe acute kidney diseases lead to renal fibrosis, for which we still lack effective treatment options. Prostaglandin E 2 (PGE 2 ) is one of the most abundant prostanoids, exerting its pleiotropic functions via four receptors, EP 1 through EP 4 . Recent studies indicate ...
mouse monoclonal, 1A4 Synonym(s): Monoclonal Anti-Actin, α-Smooth Muscle, Acta2 Antibody, Alpha Smooth Muscle Actin Antibody Sigma, SMA Antibody - Anti-Actin, α-Smooth Muscle antibody, Mouse monoclonal, Sma Antibody, alpha SMA, SMA
Tired of using 'bootylicious?' Need a few good butt-related words? We have the list for you. Read on to learn 'callipygian' 'natiform,' and more.
What is the medical term for inflammation of the cerebellum? What is the common name for the humerus? What is another name for the femur? What is the function of the pulmonary trunk? What is an anatomic pathology specialist? What is a synonym for neurology? What medical term best describes...
moving the yellowtail lambari to the denomination ofAstyanax altiparanae(Garutti and Britski2000; Garutti1995). Later, the speciesAstyanax altiparanaewas considered a synonym ofAstyanax lacustris(Lütken 1875), which became the valid name of the species (Lucena and Soares2016). All of these nomenc...
Semantic processing areas task-based fMRI (3 T): synonym generation task during and after fMRI; t-tests of within-group-, ANOVAs of between-group activation patterns in ROIs activated across groups; regression analyses of activation and hormones (E2, P4, testosterone) serum E2 levels per ...
Render is a synonym of make — technically it means "cause to become." An illness might render you unable to walk, or a shocking site might render you speechless. Another basic meaning of the verb render is to give, present, or perform something: you could render assistance to someone in...