A syncopal episodeInvestigates the case of a 80-year-old woman who suffered cardiovascular collapse after intake of vancomycin. Signs and symptoms; Patient's medical history; Diagnosis; Treatment options.Porterfield, James GPorterfie...
Ms. A, a 29-year-old nurse practitioner with a history of multiple medical conditions (including seronegative systemic lupus, Sjögren syndrome, and systemic mastocytosis [on long-term antihistamine therapy]) was admitted to our hospital after a syncopal episode. Her complex medical history began...
A 66-year-old male with a history of hypertension presented to the emergency department (ED) following a syncopal episode. He reported 2 weeks of progressive fatigue and exercise intolerance. The episode occurred shortly after stopping a run on the treadmill. An elevated troponin led to discussio...
We report a 50-year-old African American male who presented with a syncopal episode during vigorous bout of coughing. He was noted to have clonic movements with brief loss of consciousness during this episode. Initially, he was evaluated for seizures but careful history revealed that he had ...
Detailed history taking is of paramount importance to establish a reliable diagnosis in patients with transient loss of consciousness. In this article the clinical symptoms and signs of the successive phases of a syncopal episode are reviewed. A failure of the systemic circulation to perfuse the br...
Four serious adverse events occurred: 2 participants in the active tDCS group had exacerbations of chronic gastrointestinal illnesses, and 1 participant in the sham tDCS group had a syncopal episode. These were determined to be unrelated to study participation. One participant in the sham tDCS ...
A syncopal event due to a primary cardiac etiology, such as an arrhythmia or structural lesion Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome A type of chronic orthostatic intolerance lasting ≥ 3 months associated with excessive upright sinus tachycardia in the absence of orthostatic hypotension, plus ...
A likely pathogenic G.A transition in exon 3A (p.Arg214Gln- SCN1Bb) was identified in patient 3, a 58-year-old woman with BrS type 1 ECG at baseline, who experienced a syncopal episode during emesis. This variant has previously been described in patients affec- ted by BrS6,16,18,...
A 56-year-old man came to the Pacemaker Clinic for his regular pacemaker control. He had experienced a syncopal episode in the previous week. He had a previous diagnosis of non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Due to a previous syncope and documented 2:1 infrahisian block, a dual-cham...
In the emergency department, determining the cause of a syncopal episode can be difficult. However, a thorough history and certain physical exam findings can assist in evaluating for life-threatening diagnoses. Risk-stratifying patients into low, moderate and high-risk groups can assist in medical ...