Take chemistry for example. The scientist always uses symbols to represent elements (元素). He uses the first letter of the name,capitalized,as the symbol. For example,the symbol for hydrogen (氢) is H,for oxygen (氧)is O,for nitrogen(氮) is N. With such symbols,he can form the ...
absolute geopotential absolute invincibilit absolute joule absolute load address absolute maximum spee absolute mode transfr absolute motion of pl absolute number absolute nutrition fo absolute programco-or absolute prograrnming absolute respiratory absolute scotoma absolute symbolabsolu absolute unit of curr...
a sworn official a symbol of society p a syndicated spider-m a synthetic a system of a major f a system of philosoph a systems what a t a a tablet of a tactile organ a taiwan first a tale of two enemies a taxonomic review of a taÇa do mundo e nos a teacher just likes a ...
The Symbolic Basis of Physical Intuition: A study of two symbol systems in physics instruction. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.Sherin, B. L. (1996). The Symbolic Basis of Physical Intuition: A Study of Two Symbol Systems in Physics Instruction. Unpublished ...
asymbolia 说示不能asymmetry 不对称asymptomatic carrier 健康带菌者asynchronism 不同时性asynclitism 头盆倾势不均asynergia 协同不能asynergy 协同不能asystole 心搏停止asystolia 心搏停止atactic abasia 共济失翟步行不能atactilia 无触觉ataractic 安定药ataralgesia 安神止痛ataraxic 安定药atavism 隔代遗传ataxia...
) is relative, why can’t we stop looking at individual mechanisms, as if in a binary system, and study the whole process, not the two available choices: good/bad, right/wrong, this/that, black/white, me/you, instead of, for example, the yin-yang. Two halves + one symbol=3....
hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-document-symbol : nvim-cmp source for textDocument/documentSymbol via nvim-lsp hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp-signature-help : nvim-cmp extension for showing lsp help in autocomplete hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lua : nvim-cmp extension for lua autocomplete hrsh7th/cmp-path : nvim-...
Scaling of $\\\boldsymbol{\\\mathcal{P}\\\mathcal{T}}$-asymmetries in viscous flow with $\\\boldsymbol{\\\mathcal{P}\\\mathcal{T}}$-symmetric inflow and outflow In recent years, open systems with balanced loss and gain that are invariant under the combined p...
anshan xingdong group anshe chung studio anshun daily ansi sparc american n ansi regular symbol ansi-american nantion anspielung ansprechzÄhler m anspruchsgrundlage anstellmode anstifter anstoandszlig anstossen anstrengend adj answer of the defenda answer a answer all of these s answer all ...
attention circulation attention symbol attention to dietary attention to preserva attention-deficit dis attentiondysfunction attentionsign attenuate vaccines attenuated road attenuatingdraft attenuation compensat attenuationdistortion attenuator systems atterbergplasticityin attest attestant attesting witness attestor testi...