1. user-item collaborative filtering recommendation: user-item交互 ![image-20241031201101876](https://i-blog.csdnimg.cn/img_convert/5eed5ed0b7e7f799c76f8598c8acde48.png) 2. sequential recommendation:历史行为 根据用户是否匿名以及行为是否分段为会话,基于时间顺序的推荐工作可以进一步分为顺序推荐(sequ...
A Survey on Cross-domain Recommendation: Taxonomies, Methods, and Future Directions https://dl.acm.org/doi/full/10.1145/3548455dl.acm.org/doi/full/10.1145/3548455 Abstract: 传统的推荐系统面临着两方面的困扰,数据稀疏和冷启动。而跨领域推荐正是一个解决这两问题的可行方案。跨领域推荐的核心思想就...
As an essential branch of recommender systems, sequential recommendation (SR) has received much attention due to its well-consistency with real-world situations. However, the widespread data sparsity issue limits the SR model's performance. Therefore, researchers have proposed many data augmentation (...
nowadays there is a huge variety of different ap- proaches and algorithms of data filtering and recommendation. In this paper we describe the recommendation system related research and then introduces various techniques and approaches used by the recommender system User-based...
"A Survey of Sequential Pattern Based E-Commerce Recommendation Systems." Algorithms 16.10 (2023): 467. 摘要 电子商务推荐系统通常处理大量的客户序列数据库,例如历史购买或点击流序列。如果能够通过将客户点击和/或购买的序列模式整合到协同过滤的用户-项目评分矩阵输入中,可以提高推荐系统的准确性。本综述专注于...
和通常的物品推荐(item recommendation)不一样,物品推荐通常是把目标用户和兴趣匹配匹配起来,标签推荐的目标是描述,概述和组织目标的内容,在个性化推荐中,它也能匹配用户兴趣。但是,标签推荐的设计是一个挑战,它需要特定的解决方案,这是和其它UI件任务所用的方法有很大的不同。例如,文本挖掘,知识抽取,语义学在标签域...
A Survey Report on the Novel Approach on Use of Recommendation Outline in Query Recommender SystemMatrix factorization is a well known technique which discovers latent features among users and items. This method brings the advantage of ... PK Akulwar,D Deotale - 《Iosr Journal of Computer Engine...
Feng H, Qian X (2013) Recommendation via user’s personality and social contextual. In: Proceedings of the 22nd ACM international conference on conference on information and knowledge management—CIKM ’13, pp 1521–1524. ACM Press, New York, New York, USA.https://doi.org/10.1145/2505515.25078...
A Survey on Recommender System Recommendations based on user's usage patterns would also be the another interesting direction in research of recommendation system's algorithm.Miss. Priya D. RakibeD. A. B. PawarA Survey on Recommender System. Sridevi M,Rao R R,... MPD Rakibe,D. A. B. Pa...
论文链接:[2011.02260] Graph Neural Networks in Recommender Systems: A Survey (arxiv.org) 本篇综述的组织结构如下: User-item Collaborative Filtering:协同滤波 Sequential Recommendation:序列推荐 Social Recommendation:社交推荐 Knowledge Graph based Recommendation:基于知识图谱的推荐 Other tasks:一些小众的方向 Da...